CID13-A Favor For An Old Friend

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Chapter 13.....A Favor For An Old Friend

(Claire's P.O.V.)

"Oh Sarah he was so cute," I stated. "I wished I could have stayed longer, but duty calls, right?"

"Yeah I guess, oh I remember bringing Cole home from the hospital, although I remember he was dressed in blue," Sarah commented.

"Oh yeah that was Grandpa's idea. Don't underestimate an Alabama football fan," I laughed. Ryan rode home from the hospital in his first Alabama jersey. His mommy and grandma made sure to document the big event with plenty of pictures.

"So I take it that they have accepted her being a single mom?" Sarah asked.

"Well yes, there was no doubt that they would. I just think Jessie was scared because she didn't know how to react to it either. Although she's already talking to a male nurse she met at the hospital," I replied.

Sarah looked at me skeptically. I knew what she was thinking.

"I know, but supposedly she knows him from school. I just hope she is very cautious and takes things slow," I replied.

"God bless her, she's going to have her hands full with school and little Ryan," Sarah sympathized.

"Yeah she is going to have to change her lifestyle, but Mom already agreed to watch Ryan until she gets out of school."

"That's good," Sarah stated and then sipped from her coffee cup. "So Claire when are you going to find someone for yourself. I mean it just seems you worry about everyone else being happy, but you don't worry about yourself," she asked.

"Well I haven't found that right guy," I shrugged it off.

"Okay, whatever helps you sleep at night. You are as picky as my brother," Sarah mumbled.

"Wait a second, I am nothing like your brother," I mocked a little frustrated.

What in the world would make her think that I'm like her stubborn idiotic brother? Did I do anything to upset her?

"You're just as stubborn," she laughed.

"Well least I haven't ever played with someone's feelings before," I stated.

"What are you talking about? Scott is the most sensitive guy I know," Sarah said.

I laughed. "Someone that purposes to a girl as a joke isn't, playing with someone's feelings," I replied regretting every word. Here I was arguing with my best friend about her brother, about events that she knew nothing about.

"Oh I see," Sarah stated.

"Sarah, can we just drop it? I mean that happened a long time ago, and I thought that I was over it," I replied. I felt all the bottled feelings I had for Scott bubbling up to the surface. I felt the first tear fall and that's all it took. I just grabbed my purse and left the office. I was tired and I really couldn't think properly, at the moment.

"Claire comes back, I had no idea," Sarah shouted.

"Wait a minute where does she think she is going?" my editor shouted.

I didn't really care what happened I just needed so time to myself.

When I got home to my apartment, I dropped my purse and my keys on the kitchen counter. While in the kitchen I grabbed to Advil for my throbbing headache. I made my way to my bedroom and just cried myself to sleep.

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