CID10-The Big Surprise

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Chapter 10........The Surprise

(Scott's P.O.V.)

I jolted awake and found a beautiful woman in my arms. Her face looked so peaceful. One stubborn curl fell across her face. I gently push the curl behind her ear, but it just fell across her face again. Claire snuggled closer to me. I tensed hoping that she didn't wake up. Then I heard a door squeak open, and Henry tried to tippy-toe pass the couches to the Christmas tree. I quietly got up from the couch.

"Hey buddy what are you doing?" I asked Henry.

He tensed and slowly turned around smiling. "Nothing," he replied. The boy was always up to no good.

"Henry that present your hands doesn't look like nothing," I stated. He looked at me depressed. I was unsure what he had up his sleeve. "Let's wait until everybody gets here, so they can see you open your presents."

"But they are all asleep," he whined.

I looked at my watch, and thought for a moment. Claire is going to kill me, but this is going to be hilarious. "Henry, how about we wake everyone up?" I asked. A smile suddenly spread across his face. "Hey how about we start with Aunt Aceie?"

All of a sudden Henry got up and ran over to the couch. He climbed up there beside Claire and began jumping on the couch bed. "Wake up! Wake up! It's Christmas! It's Christmas!" Henry yelled. A startled Claire shot up awake.

"Henry I'm up stop yelling. You're going to wake everyone up," She whined. It was a funny sight watching her try to catch the boy. He just kept jumping everywhere on the couch.

"Aunt Aceie, that's the plan," Henry snickered.

I burst out laughing. Then Claire snapped her head in my direction.

"You, you started this," she stated.

"I have no clue what you are talking about," I teased.

"Oh, it's on," she threatened. "You messed with the wrong lady's beauty sleep."

She got off of the couch and came running towards me. I caught her and through her over my shoulder. She started to hit me on my back.

"Put me down right this minute," she yelled.

Right at that minute Ben and Jessie just walked through the door. I hadn't even notice them leave.

"Woah, what happened," Jessie asked.

"Scott woke me up!" Claire shouted. "But where have you been?"

"What are you talking about?" Jessie asked.

I sat Claire down on the floor, and she walked over to her sister. "Yes, you do. I just saw you walk through that door, so you must have gone somewhere."

Ben whispered something in Jessie's ear, and she elbowed him in the side. The look that he gave her made me sick at my stomach. There was quite a lot of tension in the room. Ben grabbed Jessie by the elbow and pushed towards the kitchen. There a lot of clenched mumbling but I couldn't make anything out. Out of nowhere Ben abruptly stormed out of the house. I don't know what that was about but it had to bad. Claire looked at me as if I knew something. I just shrugged my shoulders. Jessie walked over to the couch and sat down. She started crying, and Claire walked over to her.

"Jess, what's going on here?" Claire asked concerned. she sat down beside Jessie.

Jessie looked up at Claire and rubbed her eyes. "I've ruined Christmas!" she cried, grabbing her hair. I thought the girl was about to faint, or have a complete come-apart.

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