CID16-Forgive Me

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Last Chapter.........Forgive Me

So lesson learned when chasing after the love of your life, plan ahead of time. Of course since I've come to the airport at last minute, I've went through at least 3 layovers and 2 cancelations. All to do with trying to catch any flight that will get me to Alabama. I reach into my Columbia jacket and pulled out the ring I've carried around for almost a year now. I just couldn't push myself to pawn it or get rid of it, no matter how much pain it has caused me. The ring was unique just like Claire, with its center diamond surrounded by tiny crystals around the base of the ring. It reminded me of her one of a kind smile. It took my breath away just thinking about it.

"Flight 327 to Birmingham, Alabama, is boarding now," the announcer stated over the intercom.

I got up and grabbed my bag making my way to the gate. Claire ready or not here I come.

The flight from Alexandria, Louisiana, to Birmingham, Alabama, was quite, but I was too nervous to sleep. I kept running the game plan all over in my head, but that small voice in my head kept asking, what if she declines you again?

My phone buzzed and I answered it.


"Hey, Scott, where are you now honey," my mother asked.

I sighed combing my fingers through my hair, "I'm heading to Birmingham for Alexandria."

"Oh sweetie...well you're getting closer," she stated trying to be optimistic.

"Where is he now?" someone asked from the background.

"He's making his way to Birmingham right now as we speak," My mother answered.

I chuckled at their antics. I've gotten accustomed to my sisters' nosiness, bless their hearts.

"Well Scott, I just wanted to make sure you were all right, and wanted you to know we are all rooting for you. We hope you come home with the girl," My mother stated. I knew she meant every word. She had always been supportive, and I truly loved her for that.

"Thanks, Mom. And you can bet that Claire will be with me when I come home," I replied smiling. Something about my mother's phone call just settled some of my jumpy nerves, so I decided to sleep before I had to drive later.

When the plane landed I made my way to the services desk and rented a car. I waited for an hour for the car to get to the airport, though it just had to be pouring down rain when I went outside. I turned on the GPS and typed in Claire's address. I was surprised I remembered it. The rain didn't soft as I made my way into Huntsville, to be honest if felt as if it rained harder. I had to be careful for I didn't want to slide on a patch on black ice. That would just top things off.

As I reached Jackson County the rain had softened and turned into snow. As I was driving down the road I remember the station Claire had introduced me to last year. I quickly searched for it. As soon as I found the station the song "Last Christmas" filled the car, just great.

I made my way into the Edwards family driveway around eleven o'clock. The lights were on so I knew they were still awake. It was Christmas Eve, so there was no way they were already asleep. I quietly made my way up the stairs and to the door. I took a deep breath and push the doorbell. I waited what felt like forever for someone to open the door.

"Hello?" someone answered slowly opening the door. I looked into the most beautiful pair of big brown eyes I have ever seen. Although her hair had changed it was no longer long and curly, but short and straight.

"Hi," I answered. Then the door was shut in my face. Way to go genius, such a great response. I knocked on the door this time.

"Go away," she replied not even opening the door.

"Claire please let me explain myself, just here me out," I replied leaning my head against the door.

There was silence.

"Claire, I was not lying last year, when I proposed to you. I really did love you, and I meant every word. Claire you drive me absolutely crazy to the point I want to pull my hair out. You are the most stubborn woman I have ever met in my life, and you have so many walls around your heart so no one can get in. Last Christmas I know I got passed those walls. You let me in, and then it scared you. It scared you so bad that you shot them all back into place, and you ran away in the opposite direction," I stated.

Still there was silence.

"You know this reef is very pretty, but I love to be able to see the beautiful woman that hides behind it," I pleaded.

The door slightly opened. I saw the tear stained face peer from behind it. I pulled her into my arms. She still didn't say anything, and it felt like I was hugging a stone.

"Scott what are you doing here?" her quaky voice asked.

I looked down at her and looked in her eyes. "Do you want me to be honest?" I asked. Before she could answer I told her to close her eyes.

"Scott this is retarded. I don't see why I have to close my eyes," Claire stated.

"Just do it okay," I pleaded. She finally closed her eyes, but she wasn't happy about it for her jaw was pinched.

I got down on one knee and I pulled the box from my pocket. "Okay you can open your eyes," I stated.

At first her eyes grew big with shock, and then a single tear started to make its way down her cheek.

"Anna Claire Edwards, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and that is the complete honest truth. I don't care if you're stubborn, pushy, and controlling. Why? Because I know that's all a front. I want to be there to kiss away the hurt, and I want to be able to scare away your fears. I want to be the one person you share everything with. I spent a year without you in my life, and it was hell. So please before you reject me once again, please think about what I have said," I stated.

Tears continued to fall. She just stood there crying and thinking, saying nothing. It was absolutely killing me. I was about to give up when she cleared her throat.

"Scott you are the dumbest man I have met in my life. Flying from Austin all the way to Jackson, Alabama, just on the hope that I might change my mind," she stated with a tight voice. My hopes fell once again. "But you are also the sweetest and most heartfelt man I have ever met. I believe that is what made me fall in love with you, even with all of my resisting."

I looked up at her smiling. I was about to speak until she put her finger on my mouth.

"Let me finish," she smiled, and I chuckled. "So yes Scott Harrison, I would be honored to be your wife and spend the rest of my life with you."

I jumped up and hugged her. I picked her up and twirled her around. When I sat her down I stared up and thanked God for his help for he had just performed a miracle. As I was turning my attention back to Claire I caught a glimpse of the top of the door, and I laughed.

"What's so funny?" Claire asked.

"Mistletoe," I stated. I smiled and then I kissed my brand new fiancé. I was in total bliss.

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