CHAPTER 11 - Tinge of Gold and Mystery

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CHAPTER 11 - Tinge of Gold and Mystery~

Mira had taken herself out of her golden armor and was now on a loose white long sleeved shirt, black tight pants and knee-high boots.

She stood in her private quarters, staring at her reflection on the mirror as she took a long deep breath and exhaled it.

She still hadn't taken off her armored gloves so she just stared at her hands contemplating whether or not she should take it off now.

Taking off ones gloves shouldn't actually be a big matter for anyone. I mean, they're just gloves. They're the same as socks. But for hands.

Mira shook her head at her ridiculous thoughts, sighing out in irritation.

But she has different hands.

She stared down at her hands with anger and also with great concentration hoping not she didn't secretly have laser eyes.

She dislikes her hands, yes, but not to the point of wanting to melt it with that.

She should take it off, A part of her said.

What about no? Another inquired.

Trying to make up her mind, her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

She almost tripped with surprise, not expecting anyone to bother her right now.

"Who is it?" Mira called after she regained her composure. She quietly tried to make herself look presentable and hit her hip accidentally on the pointy edge of the dresser.

She screamed quietly.

"It's me." A familiar voice called.

"Me who?" Mira gagged a little from the pain, clutching her hip in agony.

"Um... Es... I mean, it's Emma. Are you alright in there? I hear pain." Espen asked worriedly behind the door.

"You can't hear pain. That's just ridiculous." Mira yelled a reply.

"Ugh, I'm just saying what I'm feeling here and I sense a lot of pain going on in there." Espen called back and Mira could hear the tapping of the woman's foot impatiently.

Sighing, Mira straightened herself for she knew if anyone found her like this, crying over a throbbing hip, it would not add up to her 'Lady Knight' character.

She strode towards the door and opened it wide. "Emma? What can I help you with?" Mira said with curiosity.

It was already late in the afternoon, Mira wanted some 'alone time' to rest and to free her hands off its chain mailed bounds for a little while.

And Emma clearly had better have something important to tell her or else.

"I came because the queen is asking for us both to come to her bedroom." Espen said with also a confused look herself. "I have no idea why she needed the both of us." She added.

"Both?" Mira said wide eyed as she stood there rigidly.

The queen is a lovely woman indeed but she has some strange fetish that most people don't know. Not even the king. And only Mira had noticed during her trip with her to Sweden.

Mira gulped nervously.

"Yes. She said we could take our time and knock first before entering. It must be important." Espen said with a finger on her chin.

"I hope so." Mira murmured as she ran back in the room and snatched up her sword and fastened it to her waist.

She then arched her back to stuff her tied long hair into her shirt so it wouldn't be seen.

"Wait what the-- you have long hair?" Espen gasped lightly as she stepped aside wide eyed as Mira closed the door and glanced at the maid.

Mira had her hair cut short on the front and a little on the back while a thin good amount of long hair she ties up and stuffs in her shirt so no one would notice she had long ones.

"I didn't want it all cut down so I had it styled like this." Mira answered simply and spotted a a thin bright red line above Espen's wrist.

"Well, it'" Espen said awkwardly, having Mira conclude that complimenting others was not this woman's forte.

Mira suddenly grabbed Espen's wrist and held it up to inspect the scar closer. "What happened to this?" Mira asked suspiciously.

Espen bit her lip and yanked her hand away to look at the scar herself. "Whoa, I hadn't noticed that." She told Mira.

"Did something happen?" Mira asked as she began strolling towards the queen's bed chamber and Espen followed suite.

"Noting much, I got cut, I guess. No big deal." Espen shrugged and Mira noticed the maid looking away and pretending to be fascinated by the art on the wall.

She knew there was more to the story but Mira didn't push anymore as they walked silently.


Espen didn't want Mira to find out what happened a while ago, battling Crawford.

Crawford is observant but he's not all that suspicious even if he knew half of who Espen really is.

But Mira.

She might put the pieces together quickly if the woman knew she could fight and all. After all, Mira was the one who found her on that chest, not Crawford.

Both of the knights knew different stories. They both knew different sides of the coin. They have different perspectives on who she really is.

But both wrong at the moment.

Espen couldn't take this place anymore. She wanted to escape as soon as possible.

All the while she spends here, the distance is growing between Espen and Carmen.

All her personal things, all her stolen riches, her clothes, her sword and most importantly her said revenge is so far away at the moment and here she was, still stuck here as a puny obedient servant.

She has to get away somehow. As soon as possible. Another moment here in this clean, proper place is going to suffocate her.

Espen wiped her sweaty palms on her long skirt as Mira stopped infront the door of the queen's chambers.

The Lady knight glanced at Espen in discomfort as Espen shrugged her shoulders in response.

Espen then leaned forward and knocked on the big door. "Mistress, we are here as you've requested. May we come in?" Espen mustered out and glanced at the uncomfortable knight beside her.

What is she worried about? Espen thought.

She knocked again only to recieve no answer at all but only shuffling inside.

Looking at each other again, Espen tried the door knob to find it open and what they saw inside made their jaws drop open, eyes widen and words silenced.

"What in the name of..." Mira murmured as they stared, faces as red as a tomato.


Ooh, I wonder what they're witnessing! Intrigued? Stay tuned! Find out what happens in the next chapter :D

I just want to clear up that Emma and Espen are the same. She uses Emma as a fake name because her real name is very much Criminal-worthy ^_^ If you're confused with the name changing I mean.

It's still Espen's 2nd day at the palace and it's already late in the afternoon in this chapter. Just so you could catch up with the time in the story.

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Sincerely tired,

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