2: Family Confusion

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Andrew found the Weasley's to be unlike anyone he had ever met. He assumed they were a family of some sort, though their contrasting personalities showed otherwise.

Arthur and Molly were cheerful despite the majority of the time when he was in the room, Molly would avoid eye contact with the boy and blink quickly if her eyes happened to meet his. Arthur seemed to be the one who enjoyed Andrew's presence the most and happened to ask some things others would find normal: "What is a drive-in theatre?" for instance.

Occasionally, two men, one with his hair tied back and the other with burns up and down his arms, would visit the Burrow. They seemed friendly and one even told Andrew of these 'large lizards', which only added to his confusion.

Ronald and Hermione would stop by. However, as Ronald would tell the boy stories of witches and wizards without a second thought, Hermione would scold him afterwards for a reason Andrew did not know.

A man highly involved in the government seemed to share the same viewpoint of Hermione as he would more times than not send a cautionary glare at his chatting brother (Did I tell you about Quidditch?!) and his eyes would go from Andrew to Ron and back.

A man with messy dark hair and round glasses introduced himself to the boy one day. That was not the strange part; his wife had the same hair as Molly and Arthur, but was wearing long robes and carried a broomstick. Andrew could see the broom - was she cleaning? - and the robes to some extent - it was rather chilly in the house - but the combination did not make much sense in his mind.

Despite this, easily the strangest visitor was a man with short red hair. He would have appeared normal had his face not held such a hurt look. When was the last time he had slept? The dark circles beneath his bloodshot eyes said it had been a while. He did not look at Andrew as he entered. Keeping his eyes on the floor, he made his way over to his parents.

"T-this is George," Molly said after a full three minutes of silence.

None of them spoke a word.

Andrew spoke up, "I'm Fred, but -"

"Don't you speak his name," George said. Silent tears had begun rolling down his cheeks.

"George, don't you think it's time for you to grow up? It's been three years now." But Arthur had tears in his eyes as well.

"S-should I go?"

"No, Andrew, unless you feel like it's necessary," Molly stammered out.

"I thought you said his name was-"

"Ron, it isn't a good time." Hermione's words were the last things he heard until Andrew turned around and left the kitchen.

By this time his mind was spinning with confusion. The child felt like he had entered a nightmare of some sort. The Weasley's were nice and then there was George. He could still hear the man sobbing through the closed door. He did not have a single clue as to why George had acted like that. Arthur had mentioned something involving three years, but what had happened? Andrew did not know.

That night when Arthur showed him another magic trick, he seemed to not be as cheerful as he usually was. His hands shook, fingers trembling, and he dropped the wand a few times before saying, "Lumos." Nothing happened. "L-Lumos." A few feeble sparks shot out of the tip of the wand and extinguished seconds later. He tried the trick several more times and the wand's tip finally lit before going out completely.

Arthur left soon after wishing the child a good night. Andrew lied awake that evening. Perhaps, the bad magicians had done something to Arthur's magic tricks? He did not know. His thoughts only buried him into deeper confusion and he fell asleep that way.

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