10: Pomfrey, Hooch, & Trelawney

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My Fellow Weasley's

Life here at Hogwarts has been fantastic. I'm not sure if you heard (who knows how fast news travels really), but the Hat sorted me into Ravenclaw, which is pretty ironic due to the fact the classes aren't quite interesting enough for me to stay awake. Anyhow...
Ron, you know how you mentioned Quidditch and everything? Well...try to find humor in this: Louis Anderson, a Slytherin, and I got in a fight during practice and I'm sort of suspended from Flying lessons. But before you even think of sending a Howler, I'd like to inform you that I found the information within a few Quidditch textbooks Madame Hooch left me, rather interesting if you ask me, though who says you can learn everything in a book?
In the meantime, I have been trying to rejoin the Flying lessons ever since with no luck.

Fred paused in his writing, wondering if he should mention those dreams or visions or whatever they were. He decided not to and wrote a quick closing before sealing the letter up. He planned to go to the Owlery later in the afternoon to deliver it.

He yawned, already dreading the late night homework he had been neglecting. He pulled out the Potions essay regarding some potion or other. What was it? A Bubbling Babble - a potion that would cause a large amount of noise that descended in volume with each pop of a bubble. He quickly wrote that down and stared at the question: What would be a good situation to use Bubbling Babble?

In a quiet room or when you want attention would be a good situation to use this potion.

He looked at the next: What is the opposite of this potion?

He closed his eyes and thought. No quieting potions came to mind. Then he remembered a spell a professor had used earlier that day.

While I cannot think of any potions that involve quietness, I can think of a certain spell: Silencio! It is a spell that will quiet any person, which is the opposite of a loud potion such as the Bubbling Babble.

He fell asleep before he could reach the next question.

His dreams were strange. He was standing on the highest floor of the castle, but he was not afraid. The night sky was a blanket of comfort and safety. And something else, something distant. He did not find out what.

Suddenly, a dark shape materialized out of the sky, every now and then shifting in and out of view before the view was clear. He stumbled backwards. The creature was covered in dark, thick fur. Its mouth agape, exposing a long tongue glistening with saliva and tiny, sharp teeth. Furry wings spouted from its back.

The creature lunged at his throat.

Fred tried to run, his feet slipping on the marble floor. All motion ceased.

Then everything shot forward at once in a whirlwind of motion and the creature was gone and he was gone, trapped spinning and spinning and spinning in a whirlwind of dark and light, varying contrasting atmospheres, maybe no atmosphere at all. He couldn't tell, could barely see with the flashing lights that went out almost at once, like candles being snuffed out one by one.

He landed on the ground a second later, crashing and falling onto the concrete below. His arms and legs cried out tears of red. He did not feel the pain or maybe he felt too much of it. His whole body was numb. He shivered, limbs tingling as they awoke and adjusted to the cold. White patches of snow drifted down from the heavens, falling everywhere but around him. A circle of grass surrounded by melting snow was around him. He sat up when a sharp pain cut through his arm.

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