24: Closer

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At first, the thought of April Fool's entered his head, but that had been yesterday and the only time acceptable for jokes like that. And even if it was a joke, he was not sure what student would know a spell complex enough to summon something like what was coming.

Still talking about transfiguring a needle into a straw of hay and back again, Professor McGonagall was still going on about the lesson despite the fewer and fewer students paying attention. The rest of them had their eyes on the window, which was opening and closing at a rate that was rather unusual. A chilly breeze blew by and in the classroom, causing the students to shiver and even the professor. After a few minutes of this, Professor McGonagall lost her patience and used a locking spell on the window. Satisfied, she turned back to the class and preceded the lesson.

A few minutes later, the window stumbled open again. The slowly becoming impatient professor shut the window once more, this time magic free. She brushed her hands off on her skirt and returned to teaching, but was interrupted once again when the window freed itself. She muttered a few quick words; the window closed a moment later and stayed shut for the rest of the lesson. As soon as she had dismissed the students, the window opened once more. Professor McGonagall made no move to close it.

Fred walked out of the classroom, shaking his head in bewilderment. "What was with that window?"

Ivory had different thought. "You don't think it has anything to do with Aquila morte, do you?"

"Why would that be bird be involved with a loose window?" He shuddered nevertheless.

"See you think it, too."

"Do not."

"Do too."

"I do not."

"I am not going to be playing this game."

"Fine." A smirk flickered onto Fred's face and collapsed into a mere grimace. "Why is that bloody bird on your mind anyway?"

"I don't know, it is just hard to think of other things when even the lessons don't keep your attention."

"I thought you liked Transfiguration."

"I did until today."


"That window was distracting me."

"It was distracting the whole class."

"Yeah, but I thought I heard something like flapping."

"Flapping? You mean like wings?"

"Exactly. That is what it sounded like in my mind anyway."

"You have one interesting mind."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, though I am not sure how much of a compliment that was."

Muggles & Spark Plugs - Arthur Weasley Where stories live. Discover now