13: Resonabilis of Silence

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By morning, Fred was beginning to regret having mention the prophecy and tea leaves to Ivory. He had not wanted to worry her, but the next day she was already convinced one of her housemates was going to die. His dreams spoke the same. Each and every night, he had to watch each and individual Ravenclaw die. After two nights in a row of this, he was beginning to grow rather sick of it.

"Are you feeling alright? And you?" He was sick too of the way Ivory was acting, asking people how they were feeling as if they were about to drop dead any moment or a passing plague was in the castle. Which according to her they were.

"Ivory, everyone's doing fine, perfectly fine."

She pointed the quill she was holding at him. "And how are -"

"I'm fine, doing rather bloody well."

"I was going to ask about the visions."

"Oh." He squirmed in his seat. "They've been rather distant."

"As in?" Ivory persisted.

"It's like I'm not quite there. I mean-"

"Of course, you're not quite there. I've known that since day one. About time Ivs finds out too!"

"Can you tell your sister to mind your own business?" Fred was beginning to think Ariana should start learning to know how to shut up before he learned the spell that made her.

"Can't do so, Andrew, it's in the job contract of being an older sibling," the eldest Everson said.

"Silencio!" Aaron said, sitting next to his cousin as if he had not just muted her sister.


"Yeah, too bad I cannot remember that spell," Fred said.

"You never know," Aaron twirled his wand, "it may come in handy someday."

"Didn't you mention it in your essay for Potions a few weeks back?"

"Great. You're reading me homework now, too? You Everson's really need to learn to mind your own business." But Fred was smiling as he said the words.


Unlike Transfiguration, Fred had been determined the last few weeks to stay focused on Charms. His head of house, Professor Filius Flickwick, was a person he had great respect for even if he was a bit taller than a house elf. The professor went to stand upon the stack of books, which allowed him to see over the students, but slipped and only saved himself from falling by grabbing the desk edge with one small hand. Thankfully, he was a well-natured man: "Alright, so, we got that part of the lesson out of the way, why don't we try sticking charms?" The professor said in a squeaky voice.

The Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws went to partner up. Fred would have partnered with a fellow Raven, but a boy with curly brown hair and a badger upon his chest approached him, stating his hard work and the cleverness of a Ravenclaw should have no problem with figuring out a sticking charm. Fred grinned, knowing quite well they'd find some way to not complete this lesson. Though a part of him was thinking about the ever-growing pile of homework he had turned in the week before...

It turned out the Hufflepuff had more luck with the spell, as it appeared. Fred himself was convinced he had been the one whom had actually managed the spell and the Hufflepuff had taken credit. Flitwick proved the badger right to Fred's utter disappointment.

"At least your pillow wasn't 'stick-resistant' or whatever jinx was that mine had," he grumbled to Ivory as the two walked out of the classroom.

"There isn't a 'stick-resistant' jinx. You should know that."

Muggles & Spark Plugs - Arthur Weasley Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora