5: The Last Days

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It took Arthur Weasley many days to finally tell his adopted son the news. Part of him wanted to keep the letter himself and discard of it, but that would be selfish of him. It was a week before September the first when he told the boy:

"Andrew, I told you about the wizards and witches and Hogwarts the other day, and you're going to Hogwarts!" Arthur's eyes were watery.

"W-what?" Andrew looked at him. "You're saying that I am a magician?"

"Magician, wizard, there's no difference," Mr. Weasley said with enthusiastic hand gestures. "And the train comes in a week and you're going to need school supplies, yeah?"

"Well, what are we waiting for, Uncle Arthur?"


September the first came quicker than Arthur Weasley would like. As they were practically running to the train station, Arthur thought back to when they had bought school supplies and how Frederick had been equally terrified and fascinated at the alive book that would flutter its feathers and occasionally squawk. Arthur was amused to see Hagrid was still teaching and well.

Other people were rushing by with carts stacked with trunks and the occasional bird cage. Andrew did not bring a pet as he did not find it necessary to do so.

The other Weasley's were with them, too. Charlie and Bill, the two eldest, walked side by side with the boy. He could hear Ron and Hermione bickering about something or the other. Percy was at work. The two Potter's were chatting about Quidditch, a discussion Ron quickly joined. The only one who was not involved with a conversation was George, trailing behind the group. Arthur had attempted to speak with him to no success.

They reached the platform and went through in pairs: Ron and Hermione, Bill and Charlie. Finally, it was just the three of them.

George shoved his hands in his pockets, avoiding eye contact with anything that was not the pavement beneath their feet. Arthur pretended not to take notice. Frederick was silent.

"I - never mind," George stammered out. Arthur and Frederick turned to him, waiting for a continuation that came a few seconds later in a rushed tone. "Look, I'm sorry, F-Frederick, for being rude and at distances with you. I'm sure my father's told you the story of how - of what happened." His eyes were streaming, but he continued nevertheless. "You were never Fred Weasley. You're not the one who pulled pranks with me and befriended Peeves the poltergeist, not the one who flew out of Hogwarts on broomsticks after setting off fireworks in the castle. You're not the Fred Weasley who is now buried God knows how many feet below the ground. You are Frederick Andrew Jefferson Weasley." With no hesitation this time, George Weasley gave the boy a hug.

Arthur sniffled, reminding them they were at King's Cross Station. George let go of Frederick, who gave him a smile. In that moment, he looked almost too much like the late Frederick Weasley.

The three of them stepped through the barrier after checking no eyes were on the strange disappearing act. On the other side, Bill, Charlie, Hermione, and Ron were waiting. "What took you so long?" Ron asked.

George smiled for the first time in days. "I suppose you could say it was a long goodbye." He gave Andrew another hug and allowed the rest of his family to before leading Frederick to the train ahead.

"I am sorry Mum couldn't make it; in between weddings and baby showers, it must be hard to find time, eh?"

Frederick shrugged. "Must be. Tell her I'll be expecting one of those sweaters you all always talk about."

"I will. And you better write weekly or Mum will have a fit."

George opened the door for the young boy, but before he could enter Arthur rushed forward with the trolley. "Sorry, almost forgot."

Arthur helped Frederick push the trunk in the small compartment then gave the boy one last hug.

Frederick closed his eyes suddenly, remembering. "What are those creatures with the big ears and squeaky voices?"

Arthur and George shared knowing glances. "They're elves, house elves," Arthur said. "They used to be enslaved but that's lessening."

Frederick furrowed his eyebrows, causing the older men to laugh. "There may be a few at your school," George told him.

"Those are what accompanied me to your house."

Arthur sighed. It had been such a time since Frederick had showed up at his house with the elves and had his name be Andrew, when he had learned that his family were not magicians but real life wizards. It had been a time alright.

The train whistle blew. The three of them looked at each other. George had his hands in his pockets again but he wore a smile on his face. Oh, how he was going to miss the kid.

They exchanged hugs once more, giving Frederick enough hugs to last a lifetime practically. He promised to write weekly updates of his life at school. He was going to miss Arthur and George, but he knew there would still be glimpses of them at school even if it was not actually them: a small broom closet with a secret stash of fireworks, Muggle Studies, and Peeves, especially Peeves.

They said their final goodbyes and Frederick stepped onto the Hogwarts Express as George waved and closed the door behind him, as Arthur and George waved from the window, as he waved back.

Frederick Andrew Jefferson Weasley continued waving until they vanished from sight. He sunk down into the seat across from his trunk. This was going to be a year of magic, a year he would never forget.


Author's Note:
Firstly, sorry for the long wait time. To be honest, I think there was a time when I had forgotten about this story or had writer's block. Obviously, I got over that.

No promises but this story may not be over yet. I have been thinking of doing one-shots or short chapters about made-up events during Frederick's school years. Maybe even turn this story into a longer story. I don't really know.

Thanks for being patient. 😂
- 2020kpool

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