Is This The End?

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UPDATE: Currently, I am not feeling a second book would be necessary. However, if you have any questions that you find were not answered, or questions regarding the text, please leave them below. Thank you.

Hello. It had to be done. Ever since the near beginning (if you want to be specific, the death was probably a start ever since 11: Flying Fortune, though it may have been an idea all along [I believe I forgot when it truly began]), the death was a possible plot point. And most of you whom have reached this point know what I am talking about. However, the original idea of the plot was much simpler and more basic and did not involve anything to do with death omens.

The idea I started out with was Arthur Weasley, Muggle enthusiast, adopts a Muggle child whom happens to be similar to his late son, Fred Weasley. There was no thought of any letter from Hogwarts - in fact, I wrote this story with little to no outline. The general idea had been the adopting a Muggle and then it drifted into fortune-telling and all I knew was I was going to off Frederick Andrew Jefferson Weasley. And that happened.

Now, as the book is finished, I have a question for my readers, 'ghost-readers' especially: Should I write a sequel?

Before you comment, I would like to say I have a sort of idea for maybe a 'companion novel' that takes place after the events in "Muggles & Spark Plugs." It takes place during what would be seventh year where the grief is subduing for other emotions. Would you readers be interested in that? Please let me know in the comments.

And, I just wanted to thank you readers for choosing to read this piece of fan-fiction in the first place. As I am writing this, there are over 200 reads! Thank you guys and gals for making this possible. :) It really does mean a lot.

I know I just said it, but I would like to thank you readers again. I know in the paragraph before, it's a mini thank-you card, but it truly does mean an awful lot to me. Thank you for making this journey possible.

It's a silly thing, but I feel like once I finish writing this, it will truly be a goodbye to this book. Ha ha.

Thank you once more. I'm surprised my thanking hasn't gotten on your nerves yet. :)

Proud to be your Author,


P.S. How is it over? I cannot comprehend it. It's a funny thing to think I started this story way back in the late of May. If you have stuck since then, (you've guessed it!) thank you. Thanks once more to all of my readers. This is a journey I hope to repeat.

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