Part 11

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It had been days since Clive had collected Harriet from that bus stop just outside of Brighton and because of being caught out in the rain Harriet was recovering from a particularly nasty cold.

"Please can you pass me the crisps?" Harriet said to Clive as they sat slowly working through the entire box set of sex and the city.

Harriet had called in sick to work and had been stuck in her pyjamas since she'd been home, Clive: her enabler, had been bringing her sustenance in the form of wine and chocolate.

"Maybe we should go out this weekend? I think getting out of the apartment might cheer you up a bit." Clive suggested.

Harriet shook her head.

"I don't think I could manage it. What if I bump into him?"

Clive shook his head.

"From what you were telling me he is still on tour and won't be back for another couple of weeks?"

Harriet cuddled the velvet cushion.

"There's this-"

"I don't want to go to a party." Harriet interrupted.

"Okay. So how about we go to the cinema? There's that new marvel film that's just come out."

Harriet smiled weakly.

"The cinema doesn't sound too terrible."

"Plus you'll get some fresh air and hopefully shift this cold." He chuckled lightly.


Vince was down in the dumps. He was bored, lonely and uninspired. Since the night Harriet left he had played out the evening in his mind over and over again.

He knew he shouldn't have let her off the bus but she was insistent and desperately trying to get away from him.

He knew that the blonde wanna be producer had only jumped his bones for a potential foot up in the industry and had regretted speaking to her in the bar at the venue in Brighton. The only reason he'd even spoken to her was because he had been drinking, was high from the performance and Harriet had been a party pooper, returning to the bus for an early night.

The blonde, he thought her name was Robin, had been an ego boost, a roadie and if he knew one thing, it was to never sleep with a fan.

What had Harriet said? That she couldn't feel the way she felt and be around him? That sentence had plagued him for days now. He had really hurt her and he couldn't shake the personal resentment.

He missed her. He missed her crystal blue eyes, her curly brunette locks that fell down over her beautifully perky chest. He missed watching her fail miserably at console games, cooking and in fact anything that required hand eye coordination. He loved her personality, the dry sarcasm that had them constantly battling wit, the fire between them when they kissed. The sex, well the sex was electric. Was it too cliche to say that it was the best he'd ever had? Because it was mind blowing. And it still boggled the mind how she could get into that position he liked so much.

Maybe he'd apologise when he returned to London, maybe he'd send her more flowers in the meantime.

Vince's stubbornness set in as he contemplated apologising.

Harriet had run away from him. Why did he have to apologise for her developing feelings? They'd agreed they were just having fun. Although they'd never disclosed any rules or stipulations he thought he had been pretty obvious he wasn't looking for a girlfriend.

So why was the thought of Harriet so hard to shift?

He sighed as the tour bus jolted over a pothole.


Clive had to practically drag Harriet out of the apartment when it was time to leave for the cinema.

"Come on! We only have half an hour before the show starts and I want to get popcorn!!"

"Calm your tits! I'm coming down now!" Harriet raised her voice from the top of the stairs as she emerged in simple jeans and captain America top, slumped down the stairs and took Clive's arm as he lead them out of the door.

The film had been a great distraction. Harriet had forgotten her problems for a surplus of two hours and have even managed to enjoy herself. If there was one thing guaranteed to cheer her up, it was Chris Evans in a tight superhero costume.

Harriet had been in such a good mood that Clive had even persuaded her to get a drink with him in the hopes that 'they'd meet Robert Downey Jr in a seedy bar in soho'.

"Harriet? Harriet Little?" A voice made Harriet spin on her bar stool, clutching onto the cosmopolitan that she was slurping.

The lady waiting for her to turn round was none other than professional chick lit author and screenplay writer Nicole Woods.

Harriet was in shock. How did this lady know her name?

Clive spun around on his bar stool with his matching cosmopolitan.

"Oh hello Nicole." He smirked, "I see you've met my friend Harriet."

Nicole nodded, "I'm a big fan actually."

Harriet was dumbfounded. Surely Clive had set something up to make her feel better about Vince?

"I was actually hoping to speak to you," Nicole started, Harriet lost in a haze of awe and wonder, "I was thinking that maybe you and I could work together on a piece in writing. It's missing something but I need a fresh pair of eyes to look it over and make amendments."

"Oh wow. Sure. I mean, I'd be happy to look it over."

Nicole grinned, "awesome! I will ping you an email. Do you have a card?"

Harriet fished out one of the old business cards which were stashed in her purse from when her book had initially come out. Her agent had given them for situations just like this, only Harriet had never really done the whole networking thing properly before.

Nicole took the card, tucking it safely inside her purse.

"How are you both anyway?" She asked.

"Not too bad, we've just come from that new marvel film. It was surprisingly good actually, if not a bit long winded." Clive smiled.

"Nothing beats seeing Chris Evan's backside in full HD." Nicole chuckled before leaning over the bar to order a drink.

"Do you guys want to join my friends and I for a drink?"

"Sure, why not?" Harriet smiled, sipping her liquid confidence and forgetting all about Vince for the first time in days. 

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