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We started out as friends, but time revealed true colors. I mistakenly saw you as a comrade, only to learn your dagger was aimed for my back. I should have known when you told me about your father not allowing blacks in your house. Yet I try to view you with a different lens – not stained by parent's ignorance. But as I said before, true colors eventually show. In that notebook you shared with the other "friend", talking about me in cruel ways. Although I recall you tried to reflect most of the blame on her.

But you were no friend of mine. Despite your efforts to stay friendly, I never really trusted you and kept you at arm's length. Then came the time you tried to play matchmaker between me and another friend of yours. "He's a mutt like you". Wait - did you really say that? Now, at 37, I would have cursed you out and ask God for forgiveness later. But I was young and I let it slide – but not without placing that exchange in my mental file cabinet.

Almost twenty years have passed in a blink of an eye. There had been a few times I wondered where you were. Perhaps you're living the good life in a different city, state or country – or paying for deeds done in the dark. I probably will never know, but it doesn't matter. I let the past lay where it is – sleeping in dark shadows, undisturbed. Perhaps I should thank you for lesson. I now read between the lines of what people do or say – maybe that's why I don't easily fall for politicians or have many close friends.

true friends are so rare

lost in the mist of fake ones

sun reveals their masks

A/N:  This poem was written for a prompt instructing writers to write a halibun poem about making a mistake.  A halibun poem is a combination of a prose poem and haiku popularized by 17th century poet Matsuo Basho of Japan.  The halibun typically describes a  scene or a moment in an objective manner and ending with a haiku that may or may not be directly related to the prose.   However this poetry form continues to evolve.  I myself do not strictly adhere to all the rules, but I have found myself liking to play with this form from time to time.

Originally posted 5/31/16 at

Photo  by AlexVan, courtesy of

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