a goodbye under blue skies (haibun)

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I don't remember how the clouds looked that day. What I do remember is the standing beneath blue skies with the June sun on my skin. My young mind was trying to grasp the heaviness of the occasion. Grand-mom wept into her handkerchief as grand-pop held her. Mom had her arms wrapped around dad. So many relatives were gathered around the open grave, where you will lay until the end of time. The preacher said his solemn words and we all left you flowers, a token of our love. Then we departed that place, to get back to piecing our lives back together. But for me, it would be some time before I fully understood what happened. I never lost an uncle before so it was all new to me. Yet, after all this time, I have not forgotten you. Every Spring, I visit your gravesite along with grand mom and grand pop, under blue skies. I still cannot believe it's been twenty nine years since you been gone.

white clouds and blue skies

try to wipe away our tears

with help from the sun

- Originally posted on 8/22/16 at http://www.poemsbyarcadiamaria.blogspot.com

- Photo taken by Arcadia Maria on 8/10/16. All rights reserved.

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