Character Sheet (Basic)

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Notice: Nothing in this chapter is required. This is simply a recommended list. Also please note that this sheet is a shortened version of an extended character sheet that I will post later. This has been limited so that it may be easily used for Books, Scripts, RP Games, ect.

Character Name?




Facial Features: (Hair, Eyes, Nose, ect)


Personal Interests:

Relationship History:

Preferred Weapon/Fighting Style:

Parent Names:

Titles/Land Holdings:

Family Tree:  (I only ever use this if I am involving a large portion of the family in the story or if others in the family have any importance to the storyline.)



Religious Views:

Objects of high personal value: (Trinkets like an amulet or something that to them carries some value even if its worthless on the market)

Bio/History: - This will vary. For a story character, your looking at a brief history of their childhood and notable events that shaped who they are. For an RP, you can see this as a record of their adventures from one RP to another. As long as the character does not die, each new RP can build onto this.

Date of Birth/Death:  

Other: - Extra info you feel you need to add.

Notice: I highly recommend that you keep copies of all your work for this in multiple locations. As a tip, I always keep a backup on a hidden flash drive (Password Protect your files if you can), A saved copy on google docs (Personal email only, do not save to a public email) and a printed copy. Remember to date and put your name on ALL copies.   

          The following link will take you directly to my yearly update schedule. Please, go here if you want to keep tabs on when I will be updating chapters. If you are finding this guide to be useful and helpful, please remember to leave a vote and help me out by showing your support! Thank you!


External Link: 

To access the embedded link, please click the external link located just above the comments section of this chapter. 

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