Hard Magic: Ch 4

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Exploring Methods of Using Magic

Fullmetal Alchemist:
            A popular anime with one of the most balanced magic systems, Fullmetal Alchemist uses a system governed by "The Law of Equivalent Exchange". The law states "It is impossible to create something out of nothing. If someone wishes to obtain something, something of equal value must be given." In one of the episodes, someone tries to resurrect someone from the dead. Due to a failure to understand the cost, the spell resulted in making a blob that proceeded to destroy the caster's body. 

            Creating a system like this results in a strong balance. Perhaps in order to do something with magic, it must be something that the caster is physically able to do. Explore this and consider your options as it can become a fun method to limiting the magic without removing creativity.

The Inheritance Series:
In the inheritance series, magic is not limited by a rule of how magic can be done but instead will fatigue the caster. The concept here is that the energy used to cast the spell is taken directly from the caster, and should a spell cost the caster more energy than they can give, either they may faint or worse, die.

            Such a system is simple, but it not only limits a cater but also raises the stakes. No longer is a caster limited by just their knowledge, but they must be careful not to exhaust themselves in the use of said magic. Of course, there are other means to provide a caster with additional energy in the series, where one such example would be to store the energy in a gem (like a ruby or sapphire) and draw on it later when you need it.

Harry Potter:
A pop culture hit with another example of a hard magic system is Harry Potter. Throughout the movies and novels, it is clear to the reader what kind of magic or spells are available to the caster and it is also clear that use of a spell requires practice. While for the most part, magic requires the use of a wand, it has also been faintly hinted at that a powerful enough wizard could use wandless magic.

The Mortal Instruments:
Another series that uses a unique system, The Mortal Instruments restricts the users to using runes, drawn on objects or in the air to cast predetermined spells with predetermined outcomes. Whether this acts as a limitation or not, it is also noted that drawing the runes on your body is painful but necessary for spells that heal or strengthen the body. I will also note that it is hinted in the books that runes can be invented/created, but seeing that I did not read all the books as of yet, I am unsure as to the process required to do so.

            These are just some of the systems created by other writers and filmmakers. There are, of course, hundreds more out there that you can research and explore. Who knows, maybe you will create another unique system. Mix and match what exists. See what works for you and what does not. Have fun with it! It is key to remember to keep the rules as simple as possible. Remember, an author's ability to solve conflict with magic is directly proportional to how well the reader understands said magic.

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