Hard Magic: Intro

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            Hay! Welcome back and I am glad to see you are here! So in our last set of Guides/Tips we explored how you can set up a Soft Magic system and set up a general list of things we needed to know to make it work. Now, we can do one of two things. Take that same concept and expand it or start over completely. Both will work just fine, one requiring a little less work than before.

            So, before I start walking you through all of this, let's take a moment to discuss what you can expect, and what you will find through this guide. As you can tell from above, this is only one of several chapters being released to help you through this. I won't lie, it is a lot. Shall we take a look?

In this guide, we will go over the following:

The Pros and Cons to a Hard Magic System

Natural vs Unnatural Magic

Sources of Magic

Exploring Examples of a Hard Magic System

Laws and Restrictions (and their importance)

Exploring the know Archetypes of Magic

Exploring Devine/Celestial/Demonic Magic

            Looks like a lot, right? It is. Don't panic because I'm going to take you through step by step! I could have gone the simple route of doing an outline and leaving it there but then what would any of us learn? Magic is, by nature, a complicated tool. If you want to use it, you need to understand it. I have written this guide - to the best of my knowledge - to give you the tools you'll need to successfully create a Magic System.

            Not only will it be functional, but it will help you take the next large step into developing how magic works within your world. Keep in mind that chapters like Exploring Examples of a Hard Magic System can be skipped. However, I will still encourage reading because it can be a great source of inspiration.

            I am NOT perfect. I do not know everything and I will not claim to know everything. Therefore, if anyone who reads this finds something that is incorrect, missing, or could be expanded, please TELL ME! This is a guide that I am making FOR YOU! This is a tool that we can all share as a means to structure and build our worlds and universes.

            Please also note that nothing is required. Want to ditch this guide because it looks like too much work? Sure! Want to copy the outlines word for word? Go for it! You are not required to use any or all of the information provided. It's here for your leisure.

            That said, please backup your work. Do not take the risk of busting your ass over this to lose it all to a fire, computer crash, virus, or some idiot thinking its a wise idea to steal your work. Backup, date, and sing ALL your work. My suggestion would be to keep a minimum of three backups. I know what it is like to lose a week's, hell months worth of work. Do not take that risk. Now, let's begin, shall we?

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