Hard Magic: Ch 6

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Exploring the Known Archetypes of Magic

DISCLAIMER: I will not claim that the following is a complete list of ALL archetypes, so if anyone knows of anything that I may have missed or forgotten, then please inform me below in the comments or PM me directly. Thank you!

What is an Archetype of Magic?:
The term changes depending on the writer, but an archetype of magic is the same as a school of magic. This comes down to labeling each kind of magic. Like Elemental magic deals with magic that specifically works with elements like water, or fire. Each archetype contains a variety of spells that relate to the overall topic. Some might even have sub-archetypes that either contains spells with an even more restricted topic or contains spells that can be placed in multiple archetypes.

Why are these important?:
Archetypes allow not just us, but our characters to organize their spellwork. This can determine how classes are taught at a school or what kinds of abilities a God or Goddess patrons to. They can play a central part in now just a system of magic but also how magic affects the world the system is used in. Ignoring these can make the story come off as incomplete or lacking, but if done right this can be ignored. I have no idea how to not use the archetypes though. Maybe another day I can do an expansion to this guide for that.

What are the known archetypes?: 
            Based on my research and limited knowledge (as I may be wrong or missing a few) they are as follows.

1) Abjuration
            Oathbound spells that bind two or more entities to a sort of pact, treaty or other forms of agreement. To break such an oath could have severe to fatal consequences. Oath Keepers are charged with performing the ritual magic in most cases.

2) Conjuration
The act of summoning a ghost-like mimic of an entity. Such creatures are referred to as wraiths and are equally capable of interacting with the living world.

3) Divination
            The task of seeking knowledge of the past, present, or future through unnatural or supernatural means. All who were naturally talented in this art or trained in this art were sworn to an order of monks who safeguarded the shards, never revealing information they learned through the practice of Divination.

4) Enchantation
            The art of embedding or infusing a magical trait or effect onto an object.

5) Evocation
            The practice of bringing forth, altering, or blocking a memory, feeling, or image from a conscious or subconscious mind.

6) Illusion
            The practice of tricking, or deceiving a victim's eyes into believing something false about their environment. The act of making something appear to be what it is not

7) Necromancy
The act of reanimating a dead and/or decaying corpse or skeleton to command at your leisure.

8) Transmutation
            The act of altering, cloning, or otherwise changing a living entity through magical means.

9) Chaotic/Destruction/Dark Elemental
            This art is purely a study of combat magic (destructive magic) and typically involves minor training in several other archetypes.

10) Elemental
            The act of controlling or manipulating the elements to reach the desired effect.

11) Death
            The act of using magic to torture, and kill an entity in a dramatic or supernatural way. Sacrificial Magic.

12) Black
            The art of utilizing curses, and dark (demonic) summons to reach desired goals.

13) Restoration
            The art of shielding against destructive spells and healing wounds through magical means.

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