5. Sandcastles

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Exactly 28 minutes and 37 seconds later Lexi, Marlee, and I are heading down the trail. We are all super excited, and smiling like idiots.

I'm wearing a black scalloped halter top bikini that I paired with a pair of blue roxy shorts because I kew I would feel a little uncomfortable walking down the long trail with just my swim suit on. Lexi said my bikini went well with my hair color, what ever that means.

Lexi is wearing a pink triangle bikini and Marlee is wearing a bikini with a pretty floral pattern.

After another minute or two we reach the archery area where we can see the boys from a short distance. Our feet crunch against the leaves, causing them to turn around.

Jacob looks at me and his eyes widen slightly. I look back at Marlee and Lexi, noticing they are already ahead with Kyle and Jack, chatting away.

I roll my eyes at Jacob, smiling at his immaturity and he shakes his head, returning to reality.

"Hey Ro! Are you ready for the best day of your life", he jokes, knowing that he's going to drag me to tons of activities weather I like it or not. But I don't mind, because I'm with him.

I smile, playing along,"Absolutely! What do you have planned for this afternoon?" I sound pretty ridiculous as I talk in a british accent.

He just shakes his head and smiles at me,"You'll see."

As we walk along the dirt trail I realize how much my legs hurt. The girls and I had to walk 10 minutes in order to reach the archery area,where as the boys only had to walk 2 minutes.

An idea quickly pops into my head,"Hey Jacob, would you hate me if I made you give me a piggy back ride?"

He turns, his tone normal, but to a point where I know he isn't joking,"Rowan I could never hate you. So go right ahead."

I sigh,"thank you so much, you're amazing." Jacob chuckles as I stand on a rock and jump onto his back, wrapping my legs around his torso.

"Ro, you weigh less than a feather. Remind me to tell you to get seconds tonight at dinner."

"Hahaha very funny", I say. At 115 ponds I'm not that light. But hey, maybe he's just super strong.

He chuckles at my smart remark."That's a compliment by the way." I just kiss the top of his head.

I can't see his face but I know he's smiling.

About five minutes later all six of us arrive at the waterfall. With one glance all of our faces freeze with amazement. Marlee just shrugs,"I told you so."

I chuckle,"It's beautiful!"

Jacob looks at me,"so are you."

I smile as my cheeks flush, "You're so cheesy." I grab his hand and run towards the edge of the waterfall.

"Wooooo!" I scream, letting some of the adrenaline out. Once Jacob and I reach the edge of the cliff, we leap into the air and fall into the cold icy water below.

We laugh as we climb out of the water and walk back up to the top of the waterfall.

I can hear Kyle in the distance,"dude, she totally fell for you. Get it fell, because she fell off the cliff?"

Jacob laughs as he rolls his eyes,"yes, I get it." He smiles,"oh Kyle, you're so punny", he says in a high pitched voice.

Everyone laugh at Kyle's and Jacob's joke session.

"We should jump off of waterfalls more often", he states, turning to me.

I give him a smile,"definitely"

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