19. Revenge

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I put my book down and check the text message that I had just received. It's from Zach.

I'll be over in five minutes.

I put my phone back on my dresser and head to my closet to grab my black converse.  I quickly look in the mirror. I don't know why, but that has always been a habit of mine. I've always looked in the mirror before leaving the house.

My faded jeans are tight and my shirt is red. I actually look pretty good. I shrug as I shove my phone in my pocket before walking down stairs, ready for a fun night that will allow me to forget the aching pain in my heart.

It's only eight so I can clearly see when Zach pulls into my driveway. I watch him take out his phone. Less than a minute later my phone beeps.


"Mom, dad, siblings, I'm leaving."

My mom pokes her head out of the kitchen. I'm surprised she's letting me go out tonight. It's probably because I've been mopping around for a few days and she's just excited to see me being social again. "Bye honey. Remember, be home by 11:30. Any later and you're grounded."

I smile. My parents never ground me, they just say that stuff to scare me. But I listen anyways."I know. Love you!"

"Love you too. Have fun and be safe."

I open the door and step out into the night. I walk over to Zach's car and hop in the front seat. He takes a quick glance at me before starting the car. "You look good", he says. His eyes are on the road and his hands on the wheel.

I offer his a small smile. "Thanks. You.. well let's just say you've had better days." I pat him on the shoulder apologetically and sarcastically.

He smiles but doesn't say anything. "Hey, you still haven't told be what's on the list," I complain. We made the list at the beginning of last year so I forget most of the stuff. All I know is that something has to do with silly string.

He smiles,"I know."

I fold my arms and look at him. He looks at me out of the corner of his eye and sees me glaring at him. He quickly looks away."It wouldn't be as much fun if you know everything, so I will tell you each thing as the night goes on."

I pout."You're no fun." He can get really annoying sometimes.

He smiles," I know but just wait Blue. Just you wait." My heart flutters. Not at him but at the memory of the nickname. Blue. He hasn't called me that in a long time. The first couple weeks that we were friends that's all he would call me, But one day he just stopped. I never asked why though. What made him call me Blue again tonight?

"Well, where to first", I ask as I plug my phone into the aux cord in the car. I scroll through my music and click on a Twenty One Pilots album. Before you know it 'Heathens' is blasting through the speakers.

"We are going to start off easy. Our first stop is the park. I have a bunch of bath bombs and soap bars in my trunk that we'll fill the fountain up with", he explains to me.

"Okay." That actually sounds pretty fun. The fountain in our local park is ginormous so it will look super cool with all of the different colors and bubbles.

We pull into the empty parking lot. Even though we are just going to fill a fountain up with soap I'm feeling extremely rebellious. Yeah, I don't go out much.

Zach and I get out of the car and walk to the trunk. He grabs a brown paper bag that smells like heaven, yet gives me a headache at the same time. The smell of the bath bombs instantly spreads throughout the air and I swear you could probably smell us from China.

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