20. I wonder

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There is a Jacob Prospective In this chapter, so keep reading😉
For any of you who are confused, the last chapter was during summer 16 and this chapter is during the school year, several months after the last chapter. So this upcoming summer will be summer 17.

Swimming vocabulary:
25 stands for 25 meters, so:
25=1 lap, 50=2 laps, 75=3 laps, and so on.

(A few months later) Sophomore year- December

Most of my body is submerged in the warm water as my legs kick up and down and my arms pull my body forward and closer to the wall. My lugs are burning and every muscle in my body aches. I push myself and go faster, sprinting towards the wall.

And touch! I touch the wall and throw my arms over the side of the cement. I throw my head back and breath heavily. My breaths becomes steadier by the second.

I hop out of the pool so the next set of girls can dive in. "And Rowan Marshall wins 1st place in the girls 100 meter freestyle", an unfamiliar voice exclaims, their voice coming out of the loud speakers above.

I take off my cap and goggles and walk over to my table, where Zach's and my towel are waiting for me. "That was awesome Blue!"

I blush a bit,"thanks."

He hands me my towel and I don't hesitate taking it. Today is a really cold day, it's 55 degrees Fahrenheit and the violent wind doesn't make it any better.

Once I'm wrapped up in my towel Zach's gives me a hug, congratulating me on my win. I freeze when he puts his arms around me and my heart beats faster? What? He pulls back from the hug,"I'm going to go get something to eat, you want anything", he asks me, his voice a little shaky, had he felt that too?

"Um... n-no, I'm not hungry, but I will take a water. Please."

He nods and walks off to get my water and whatever it is that he wants.

I stare at the floor for a moment, gathering my thoughts. A slight tingle is still left, even though the hug occurred two whole minutes ago. The tingle isn't nearly as strong as the one Jacob left me, but it's still there. Besides, it's time to move on and forget about the blue-eyed boy who broke my heart.

Sophomore year-February 15

"Hello?" Mason Taylor answers her phone. Mace, Zach, and I are all sitting in Zach's living room watching the Maze Runner movie. "Right now", Mason Taylor asks the mystery person on the other side of the phone. "Okay I'll go get him."

She hangs up the phone and sighs as she stands up from the chair she was sitting in."Where are you going", I ask her.

"Yeah, the movie isn't even over yet", Zach says, referring to the movie that's currently on the giant flat screen TV.

"Sorry guys, but you know my little cousin, Toby?"

I nod,"the five year old who got in trouble for running through your neighbors yard butt naked while singing old mc Donald had a farm?" I hear Zach laugh next to me.

She smiles at the memory,"yep, that would be the one. Anyway he's getting sent home from kindergarten for throwing some kids grape juice over the fence after the kid refused to share the legos. And since his parents are both working I have to go pick him up and watch him the rest of the day."

Our school is lucky enough to get today off because the teachers all had this important meeting they had to go to.

"Gosh this kid is a handful", Mason Taylor sighs as she puts on her shoes.

"I don't know, sounds like that kid deserved it", Zach says. We know he's joking so I decide to play along.

"He's got a point Mace, the kid wouldn't share his legos."

The Story of usOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora