9. Cinderella's evil stepmother

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I'm fast asleep until I no longer feel tired, and open my eyes. The sun peeks out from the curtains. I breath through my nose, smelling the fresh flowers, as I listen to the sound of the sweet birds chirping.

Not! That only happens in movies.

Instead I wake up to Mackenzie screaming at Lexi. Lexi of course screams back. I look over to see Marlee also screaming at Mackenzie, helping defend Lexi. Molly is sitting in the corner, reading. Even over the screaming and through her messy hair that covered her face I can tell she's  crying.

I figured everyone would stop fighting after a minute, but surprise surprise, they didn't. I don't  want to get into the middle of this but I need to before one of those girls claws someone's eyes out.  "STOP!!!"

Everyone stops, looking at me,and I'm finally able to hear again, but my ears are still ringing.I know that if I don't think fast the yelling will start all over again. "What's wrong?"

Lexi starts to say something but Mackenzie cuts her off, clearly mad." This brat"- she points at lexi-"wore my shoes last night and got them covered in mud"- she points to the used to bright pink nike shoes, you guessed it,now covered in mud-"and then this morning I went into the bathroom and this girl had used and broken my foundation. Uhhhh!"

I scoff, really? This girls attitude is bigger than the ridiculous bun on the top of her head. "That's stupid."

Mackenzie only smirks,"what's stupid. Your friend, I'm surprised you're just now figuring that out?"

Lexi literally pounces at Mackenzie, but before she does any damage to the poor girl,(Hint: that was sarcasm) Marlee pulls her pack,"she's not worth it."

Lexi is a kind girl but she's a tough one, she doesn't sit around and let people make fun of her.

Lexi only nods. I look at Mackenzie,"how do you know you guys are the same shoe size?"


I smirk,"I'm pretty sure you guys aren't the same shoe size, therefor Lexi didn't wear the shoes."

She gives me an eye roll,"how do you know what size shoe I wear, are you Prince Charming's servant person who goes around looking for the lady who will fit in the glass slipper? Because to be honest you do kind of look like an old man."

She shoots me a smug look before she turns to walk out of the room. There is no way she's going to have the last word."Why the bad mood? Did you chip a nail?" She only glares at me, so I continue to push her buttons,"no? Lest me guess, did one of your fake eyelashes come off. Or was it-"

Before I'm  able to comment on, her finally realizing that she's a know it all brat, she screams, storming out of the room.

I smile to myself, knowing that I had gotten to her and proved my point."I may, and I quote, look like an old man, but at least I don't have the attitude of Cinderella's evil stepmother." This comment of mine earns me a chuckle from Lexi and Marlee, who are now sitting on the ground next to Molly.

I am a nice person, I really am. I just know how to defend myself, and especially my friends. No one hurts the people I care about, because when that happens it not only hurts them, but it hurts me.

I look over at Molly. I watch as Lexi rubs her back in comforting circles and Molly wipes her own tears with the back of her hand. I walk over to the girls, sitting in front of them. Molly looks up at me and gives me a small, sad smile. "Are you okay?" My voice is sincere as I ask this.

She just shrugs,"not really, I'm so sorry." Just like that the tears burst out of her brown eyes, flowing down her cheeks. I honestly feel bad for her. I don't like to see people sad or in pain.

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