When You Move On

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"Hey, exactly where do you keep the popcorn?" you heard Richard call from the kitchen. It seems when Nick had took you to that party it had done you some good cause you had met Richard there. He was a nice boy and you two clicked the minute you started talking, though you still loved Slender, but you wouldn't admit to that.

"It should be in the top cabinet" you said while deciding what movie you two were going to watch. Grabbing the two you were stuck between you walked into the kitchen and held them up for the raven haired male to see. "Which one?" you asked. He stopped rummaging through your cabinets and looked back.

"Hm, we watched a horror film last time. So how about a comedy this time" he said, pointing to the comedy movie you held in your left hand. Nodding your head you turned to leave, before yelping as arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you back into a strong chest. Laughter escaped past your lips as Richard started placing butterfly kisses on your cheek and down your neck.

"You're not going anywhere 'til you help me find the popcorn" he growled playfully while you chuckled. Neither of you noticing the tall figure watching you two through the window from a distance.

Jeff the Killer:
Seems while on that walk of yours you had ran into a nice fellow named Thomas and you two hit it off immediately. At the current moment you two were on a midnight stroll. "You sure do love the night" you heard him say from beside you.

"Yeah, guess that's what happens when you can't sleep" you said, chuckling as a blush spread across your face. You'd never admit to Thomas that the reason you loved these midnight strolls was because you secretly hoped to see Jeff. That was the only reason you'd make sure you two would walked in areas that were empty for the night.

"You're so cute when you blush" Thomas said as he lightly pinched your cheek making the blush darken.

"What? N-no I'm not!" you exclaimed embarrassingly as he laughed. Neither of you taking note of the wide, lidless eyes watching the both of you from the shadows.

Laughing Jack:
"Did we have to come to a carnival for today's date?" you asked Alex, who only laughed. You had met the spunky blonde at the park. He was there watching his little brother, so you and him ended up talking with one another and actually hit it off. Sure you still loved L.J, but you had to move on sometime and Alex was perfect in helping you with that.

"What? You scared of clowns or something?" he asked. You gave a nervous laugh as you looked to the side, biting your tongue so not to make a comment how your ex was a clown, literally.

"Shut up, let's just go get some cotton candy" you mumbled, not taking note of the monochrome clown glaring at yours and Alex's backs as you two disappeared into the crowd.

Eyeless Jack:
"That movie was certainly a lame excuse for a horror movie" Chase said as you both left the movie theater. You had met him during the little get together at the lake. Apparently he was the newest addition to your group of friends and you two had hit it off pretty well. Of course you wouldn't admit that you only were attracted to him because his hair reminded you of E.J's. No matter how many times you told yourself you were over him, you knew deep down it was a lie.

But you were not going to admit to that any time soon. "I mean it wasn't that bad, it could have been worst" you said as you hooked your arm with his. He blushed a bit at the affection before smiling a little.

"Yeah, it could have been" he mumbled as you two went off to find something to do together. Neither of you noticing the growling eyeless male staring after you two.

Ticci Toby:
You were surprised at how well you and Kyle, Zach's friend, had gotten along. Currently he had taken you out to the park so that you could lay on the grass and stare up at the night sky. It was quite peaceful as you two laid there side by side, holding hands. You won't lie, a few times when you looked at Kyle you had wished he was Toby. But, you knew that those days were over.

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