Rebecca 2.0

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I hadn't known I was trapped in darkness,
Until the light sliced through and caught me,
Dragged me, pulled me out of it.

Lucky, I'd like to think I was
To be back here, with wonder and magic
But no identity to speak of.

I suddenly have the ability to see
Things beyond what lore and logic
hold tightly in their constraints.

I can build fires, direct winds off course
With just a mouthful of words
With just a sweep of my fingertips.

But what am I doing here, really?
And if this second life is truly mine,
Am I to spend the rest of it scared?

A/N: I'm trying to resurrect ideas for my other story, The Necromancer's Daughter. But it's been on hold since December and I'm having a bit of difficulty going back into that mindset when I was writing the first seven chapters. Here's an attempt to inhabit Rebecca's mind again. I really want to continue updating this.

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