August Wind Blows

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I've had marshmallows for breakfast
Soft, squishy sugary things sending me an unnatural high.
I've had a talk with my boss this morning
Something about me possibly losing my job

I don't know how to feel
Wasn't I the one who always complained about being stuck here?
Wasn't I the one who told everybody I couldn't take this anymore?
Now that there's a chance to go,
I don't know how to feel

This afternoon I'll have pizza
I've been looking forward to it since Friday night
And then tonight I'll walk around the park
To think about the next step: accept or retaliate

I am terrified of change, of losing foothold
Scared of watching everything I've built around myself crumbling to the ground.
Yet, I am considering change. Actually entertaining it.
As this safety I wallow in isn't as beautiful as I expected it to be.

It's not as compelling, not as I needed

There might be peace in destruction
There might be hope.

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