Chapter 5

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Draco quietly sat in the hallway, it was a Friday so everyone was everywhere. The hall he had been sitting in, was very quite and empty. A few students walked through, but not very often.


Elara walked around by herself, trying to get her thought under control. But all she could do was picture her mother getting killed. Her scream echoed in the young girls head. She made a turn down a hallway, without paying attention to where she was going. She turned the corner and crashed into someone. She fell to the ground and the scream echoed again and louder this time. Elara let out a gasp as she got the ground.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't..." She paused when her eyes met the grey eyes of the one Malfoy she was trying to avoid. "See you there...."

Draco stood there and looked down at the girl. He looked around before holding his hand out to help her up. She looked at him before taking his hand. He felt a spark go through his body as her hand went into his. Once she was standing she pulled her hand away from his.

"If I may, what are you doing in an empty hallway?" Elara asked, stepping a couple feet away from the slytherin.

"Thinking." He responded, Elara nodded, then turned around and began to walk away. "When you said you don't use your abilities, what do you mean? What are you scared of?" The platinum blonde boy asked, making the girl stop walking.

"I told you, my abilities make me a target." She said almost inaudibly.

"Target for who?" He asked in an almost pleading voice.

"Draco," She said slowly. " You're aunt is Bellatrix Lestrange, correct?"

"Yes?" He said in a confused manner.

"She killed my mother. It was my third christmas. Father had left the house to retrieve grandfather. She, Bellatrix that is, broke into the house through the back door and came into the living room where mother and I were. She told me to hide so, I ran and hid behind the christmas tree. Bellatrix used pretrificus totalus, -the body binding spell on my mother, she then broke this necklace," Elara said motioning to the necklace on her neck, "off of her, my mother much like myself wasn't capable of controlling her abilities. Bellatrix used a muggle knife and began to cut her all over, it was driving her insane; I could tell. Then- then it happened, Bellatrix saw my mother at her weakest and took advantage of it, she used the killing curse on her when she knew that my mom wasn't strong enough to absorb it. Like any other person she died instantly... That's why I don't want anyone to know. That's why I don't want these damned abilities, they'll be the death of me either way." Elara spat the last part.

Draco looked at her in pure shock. "Aunt Bella did that?" He said breathlessly.

"Yes... That's why she's in Askaban." Elara said looking down.

"I have two questions." He said quietly.

"And they are?" Elara said curiously.

"Is it true you don't have an actual heart?" He said in a really quiet voice.

"I don't have a heart. I have a magical substance that resides in the place where my heart should be. It is what allows me to breath, bleed, think, walk, and talk." She answered.

"Considering you didn't add the one thing I was going to ask you onto that list; I'll ask." He said, almost hesitantly, causing Elara to looking at him questionably.

"Is it true.. That you're unable to... Love."

"My father loved my mother, and I know that she loved him. But everyone's different. I love my dad and my grandfather, but I've never experienced love." She paused and looked at him. "Why am I telling you everything? It's not like you care, you're probably going to use this all on me. Tell your aunt and she'll use it when she comes to kill me. Just like my mum."

She couldn't help her sudden mood change. Her powers still had a control over her. She looked down and took another step away. She whispered to herself trying to get her powers back under control.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked stepping forward.

"I-I have to go."

She pushed past him and hurried down the hallway to empty area so she could relax and get her powers back under control. She took deep breaths in and out like she was told to.


Draco stood and watched the hallway where Elara rushed down. He didn't know what was getting into him. He just wanted to know what this girl was doing to him.

"I've heard you've done some reading Draco." Albus rounded the corner and stood by the boy.

"I'm sorry professor, I didn't mean any harm. I didn't mean to make her upset." The old man smiled at the young boy.

"I know, I've seen the way you've looked at her. Even if you haven't realized it yet." He smiled before walking off to make sure granddaughter was okay.

Draco stood confused, thinking of what the head master had told him. He sighed and slowly walked to his dormitory. He didn't understand, "the way you look at her". His words replayed in his head over and over the whole night. He couldn't even dream without thinking of it.

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