Chapter 6

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Elara hit her head off of the desk in her Defense Against The Dark Arts Class. "Miss Dumbledore, what in merlin are you doing?" Professor Umbridge's annoying voice interrupted Elara's pass time.

"It is exactly as it seems Professor, I'm hitting my head off the desk. Its teaching me much more than you have." Elara said, answering her professors question. Umbridge gave a look of utter hate while the class "oooh'ed in the back ground.

"And I suppose you could do better?" Umbridge challenged.

"I believe I could." Elara argued. 'Damn it. Why now? Why mess with my mood when I'm in her class of all professors?' Elara thought.

Umbridge smirked evily. "Produce a patronus." Gasps were heard around the room.

"Professor that's unfair! That's an eighth year course!" Hermione butted in.

"No 'Mione it's fine." Elara said looking Umbridge dead in the eye.

"Well? Amuse me." Umbridge said, smirking.

Elara smirked as she thought of the spell with her wand still in her bag. "Expecto Patromun"

The class gasped as a smokey, silver fox climbed out of Elara's messenger bag.

"She did wandless and nonverbal magic!" Lavender Brown shouted, amazed, whereas Umbridge was fuming.

"You do realise my grandfather is know as the most powerful wizard alive, correct? Wouldn't it only make sense that I, his only grandchild, daughter of his only daughter, inherited it from him?" Elara said, with a smirk sly enough to belong to a slytherin.

"Detention Miss Dumbledore!" Umbridge yelled furiously.

"I already have detention with Professor Snape." Elara countered.

"Then you shall serve twice as much with him tonight." Umbridge said, thinking it'd bother her.

"Awesome." Elara said sarcasm evident in her voice, fake of course.

Umbridge was about to say something more in spite of the man, who's job she wants granddaughter. Then class ended.

Elara sighed, seeing as it was her free period. She quickly rushed out of her least favorite class. Passing students of various ages she made her way to her quiet place; the astronomy tower, but alas before she stepped onto the first step someone called her name.

"Elara!" Her stomach instantly felt weird.

"Draco?" Elara said turning around confused.

"I have a proposition." He stated.

"Very well, can we go up first?" She said, pointing at the tower.

"We're not supposed to be in the astronomy tower though." He says with furrowed eyebrows.

"Indeed, because of me. Its where I go when my abilities act up." She said, beginning to walk up the steps. She heard Draco's footsteps soon after her. "So this proposition?" Elara asked curiously.

"I've always been curious about The Heartless, I've read every book and daily prophet about them, but alas there's hardly anything there. You teach me about The Heartless and I'll keep your secret." He proposed.

"You're a slytherin, you expect me to just believe you?" The gryffindor said, disbelievingly.

In a sudden movement Draco grabbed her wrist. "Grab my wrist." He said softly, hesitantly she obliged. She gasped as she saw the magic wrapping around each others arms. He was making an unbreakable vow.

"Believe me now?" He asked afterwards.

"Well considering you'll die if you tell anyone without my consent or if it benefits my life, yes." The girl responded making him smile, actually smile, not smirk.

"Well Draco Malfoy, prepare yourself. Because this isn't like anything else you've ever seen." She walked up the steps and stared up at the sky.

"You said my aunt used a muggle knife on your mum. Why didn't she heal?" Elara looked over at him before up at the sky.

"Everyone, has a weakness. Muggle items happen to be the heartless'. Due to having no heart, anything with magical property cannot harm me, but a muggle item such as a knife, could harm any heartless, such as myself if we don't protect ourselves." Draco listened to her in amazement.

Elara chuckled as she turned around to face the Slytherin boy. "Draco, did you ever read about The Heartless Release?"

"Yes, it's when said heartless, releases all of the extra magical energy that has been stored withing them while wearing the item that prevents their powers from going out of control." He responds and Elara smiles.

"Draco, would you unclasp my necklace please?" Elara asks while lifting her hair. Hesitantly Draco steps forward and unclasps her necklace. Elara gently sets it down on a table.

"Now watch." She said with a smile as she sits on the floor. Draco eyes widen as he sees the familiar spark of magic leaving the beautiful girls body and surround her like some sort of barrier.

"Amazing." Draco breathe.

Elara looked up and smiled at him as she took a hold of her necklace and put it back on. Draco watched in amazement as the magic instantly disappeared.

"I'll show you more tomorrow, as for now.. We're late to class." Elara giggles.

Elara walked into her father's class, soon Draco followed. Severus keep his emotionless facial expression as he looked at his one and only daughter and the boy that is starting to get curious about a certain girl. But what Snape didn't know was that, that unbreakable promise he made. He made it more than just a promise, he wanted it to mean more. But the grey eyed boy just didn't know it yet.

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