Chapter 22

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Once Draco had told Elara his deep dark secret. He started spending time with her once again. But, in the time he wasn't there. Ron thought that he would be his chances to jump in and Elara's heart. But the time never came, and he slowly started to gain his feelings for Hermione. As for Harry, he was getting the same feelings Ginny had for him.

Everything was slowly falling back into place, but no one knew what was going on behind closed doors. Albus was sitting at his desk as Severus looked at his hand.

"This should slow the spreading, but not stop it." Severus looked at the father of his late wife and grandfather of his one and only daughter.

"The boy has be instructed to kill me." Albus changed the topic on something that was slightly more important. "You'll have to be the one to do it, Severus, I only trust you. Elara will be mad, she's be upset, but Draco will keep her calm. I don't know if he has told her of the dark Lords plans."

"She'll hate me." Severus looked away.

"She'll understand."


Elara sat in the hallway, Draco arm wrapped around her waist. They both had a free period. She had her head lying on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head, and intertwined their fingers together.

"I love you." He whispered in her ear. She smiled and looked at him and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too."

"Elara." Severus walked up to the two. "I need to talk to you." His eyes had worried laced in them.

She slowly stood up and followed her father. Her hand slowly slid out of her boyfriends hand. Elara followed her father to his classroom.

"Moon, I must tell you something." She looked at him worry.

"I must kill your grandfather." She shook her head.

"But Draco." He nodded his head, cutting her off.

"I know Elara, but your grandfather trusts me to do it. I'll him the credit, but I have to be the one to do it." She nodded her head and fought back the tears.

"Okay." She crocked out.

"You can't tell him, for your safety and his." She nodded her head again and he pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

"I won't, I promise."

She hugged him once more before making she she didn't have any tears and made her way back to where she left her boyfriend sitting. She sat down next to him once again.

"Is everything okay?" He looked down at her and she smiled up at him.

"Yes, things at gonna be just okay." She smiled and he laid a soft kiss on her lips.


At dinner later that night, Elara would not look at her grandfather. For some reason she felt betrayed. Even thought the ones closest her, told her. She wouldn't look at her father. She didn't even look at Draco, the boy she loved. All these were worried about the most important girl in their lives. Each had a love for her that they couldn't explain.

"Elara, dear, are you okay." Hermione asked.

They may all be friends but Hermione never spoke to Elara while she was around Ron. Harry still spoke to her, and Ginny was still her best friend.

"Peachy." Elara faked a smile.

"You don't seem peachy." Harry looked at her.

"I'll be okay, Harry. It's not your problem to worry about me." She snapped, not even meaning to. She just so much on her mind, she couldn't focus on anything.

"I'm you're friend, I have a right to worry about you!" He slightly raised his voice.

"I'm not a child, you're not my mum, I don't need to be watched or treated like I am one!" She yelled out, not even wanting to bring her mum into it.

She froze when she realized what she had yelled. She didn't even realize she was standing. Most of the people around her, were staring. But dinner was going on like normal. She turned and quickly walked out. Draco watched the whole thing happen. He saw the fear in her eyes. The pain that she was feeling. He stood up and quickly went after her.

Albus and Severus watched as the boy went after the girl. Albus looked over his shoulder and at Severus.

"She'll be okay." Severus hoped in his head, continuing with his meal before someone saw him staring.

He didn't want any more harm for his daughter that wasn't already was on her way. Draco would protect her, they all knew that. And in time, they would make the perfect husband and wife.


"Elara!" Draco ran after his girlfriend. "Are you okay?" He lightly grabbed onto her wrist to stop her.

"I brought up my mum."

She turned to his her face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close. One hand ran through her hair, and the other rested on the small of her back.

"It'll be okay love. I'm here for you, I'll always be here for you." He whispered into the top if her head. "Always."

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