Chapter 28

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Elara walked to the tower, she couldn't wait to see Draco again. Even with everything going on, what was happening and what was going to happen. She was happy, she couldn't fight it.

Her and Draco had grown closer, and it was perfect. No longer were they two people, for they had joined together as one.

Genny had told her about how she had kissed Harry. Elara was happy for her best friend. They say they tell each other everything, but everyone has their secrets. Elara and Draco had one for the record books.

Only Draco knew about how she was dying, although Albus could tell it was coming and so could her father. But, Severus didn't dare bring it up. He had saw the look in her eyes that he hadn't seen since she was little.

It was night time, so most of the castle was quite. Half to students were asleep for the night. Some still up, quitely studying to themselves. Others went on short night time walks, like Luna did most nights.

But there was something Draco wasn't noticing. Elara had began to get better since that night. She didn't feel the pain in her chest and her hair had begun to shine and darken again. Severus and Albus noticed this. Severus faintly remembered the same thing happen to Emily, his wife and Elara's mother. And he remembered exactly how she got better, and least to say the thought of his little girl doing such a thing, was quite frightening. Elara couldn't help but smile as she entered the astronomy tower.

Draco had been sitting in the astronomy tower two hours prior to their meeting; thinking over something he'd been debating about since he and Elara's 'union'. He was arguing with himself as to whether or not his proposition was stupid or not. He didn't even notice when Elara came in two hours later.

She noticed her lover in thought. He even said something while deep in thought, "No, she'd never agreed to it."

"What wouldn't I agree to love?" Elara said, shocking Draco out of thought.

"N-nothing dear." Draco stuttered, avoiding eye contact with his girl.

"Draco, tell me. You wouldn't know if I'd agree if you don't ask." Elara suggested.

Draco took a deep breath, as he began to speak. "I want to marry you... But we aren't the age of consent yet. So I thought of other ways, but I don't want to do that to you."

Elara smiled at her lover. "You're talking of the unbreakable vow, aren't you dear?" She said smiling, hesitantly Draco nodded. "Yes." She said.

"Yes?" Draco echoed.

"Yes, I'll do the unbreakable vow. I love you Draco, your the only man I'm capable of loving. I want to marry you one day. I've got nothing to lose." She confided in her lover.

"Really?" He said hopefully and she nodded.


Elara and Draco held each other's left arms. Both held their wands in their right hands, casting the needed spell.

Together they recited their words gor the vow.

"With these words
I will lift your spirits.
Your heart will never be empty,
For I will fill it with love.
With this wand,
I will light the way in the darkest times.
With this vow,
I ask you to be mine,
I ask for your life,
Your love,
Your soul.
I ask for your days and nights.
I solemnly swear I'll always love you,
With this I vow,
I do."

They watched as the lines around them glowed.

As the glow got brighter, Draco leaned forward and kissed the top of her head

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As the glow got brighter, Draco leaned forward and kissed the top of her head. She looked up at him and smiled. Everything she's done with him, everything she's going to do with him. She wasn't worried. She wasn't scared. She didn't regret anything. She was never going to regret anything.

She loved his boy with everything she had. She had nothing to loss. Her destiny was to die, so what did she have to lose. She looked at him with a smile.

"I love you." He smiled and held onto her hands.

"I love you too, Elara. I always will." He smiled and looked up to the sky. "It's time, it be safe if you go."

She knew what he was talking about. A tear ran down her cheek as he pulled her into a hug. Her grandfather was going to die tonight. She knew she couldn't stop it. Draco held her close as she tries to hold back her sobs.

"It's okay, love. I'll find you as soon as it's over." She nodded her head and he gave her a kiss before she left.

It was the night she knew was coming. But, she didn't want it come. She was hiding off in the hallway. Her knees pulled up to her chest. She was trying her best not to cry when she was one of her friends, Harry Potter, walk by. She quickly got up and followed him. She saw that he was heading to the tower.

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