36 It Ends Here.

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"Mommy loves you." Elara whispered as she apparated.

Elara looked at the scene before her. She had landed in the Great Hall. Their were dead, injured, and mourning people all around. She felt herself stiffen as she.looked for his bright blonde head. She didn't find it. She found a black haired head, identical to her own. Elara ran, she didn't think, she ran and dropped to her knees beside the man.

"Daddy?" She said as she did so many times before, but this time Daddy didn't answer.

"No," she whispered, it then became a scream, "No!" Elara felt her entire body shake with the magic that resided inside her.

"It's alright, Elle." She heard Ginny's melodic voice.

"He's my dad," She said suddenly, "All those times I told you I couldn't stay with you over break, is because that was my only time with him." Ginny looled at her best friend, pity on her eyes.

"Come on Elle, we need to go see if anyone is left outside. I'm so glad you weren't here for the begining, it was terrible." Ginny said, as she and Arthur led her outside, a crowd following behind.

It looked so dark and depressing outside, then they saw the approach group, and something was yelled making Elara's non existant heart shatter.

"Harry Potter is dead! Now you put your faith in me." Elara entire world had faded in that moment. Then she heard a voice, a voice so familiar.

"Draco. Draco. Draco. Come." It was Lucius. In that moment somebody took her hand, she didn't even have to think to know it was him.

"Until the end?" He mumbled.

"Always." She muttered back, clenching his hand. Elara raised her eyes to meet an astonished yet furious Lucius, and a awe struck Nacrissa.

"I see." Tom Riddle's voice rang through out her ears. "This is who you tried so hard to hide from me, you did quite well, I admit. She's quite a prize Draco. Who are you girl?"

"Don't answer." Draco said quickly. Elara's blue eyes had already met Voldemorts crimsion.

Elara took one half step forward. "My name is Elara Dumbledore. Daughter of Severus Snape and Emily Dumbledore. Two people who died, who died because of you." Elara spat, the corresponding man only grinned madly.

"Emily Dumbledore's daughter? Heartless, Emily Dumbledore? You're the one Bella has been speaking about."

Then Neville stepped out. Elara was brought back into her mind. "How dare he speak her name."

Draco yanked Elara back and she was drawn back to reality, where Harry was shooting a spell at Voldemort.

That was when all hell broke lose.

Somehow Elara and Draco had been split up, Elara's eyes kept on searching for her lover to now avail. Then she saw one of her worst nightmares. Bellatrix pointing her wand toward Ginevra Weasley's heart. Elara then did the one thing she did best, apparate.

Just as the spell left Bellatrix's lips, Elara was eye to eye with her best friend, who's pupils were w8de and dialated. Elara cringed at the feeling of the Killing curse on her back. She took a deep breath as she concentrated all of her magical enegry on repelling the spell. Then, thankfully, she heard Molly's skin quivering voice.

"Not my daughters, you bitch!"

Ginny shook her head quickly, and threw her arms around Elara in a tight hug.

"Thank you." She said breathlessly.

"They're in the court yard!" Seamus voice was heard.

Ginny yanked Elara outside of the castle, where she saw a person, who she only assumed was the Dark Lord, crumble into dust.

It was over. They we're free. Elara's eyes looked around and stopped on a small house elf carrying two babies with magic, she immediately took off running towards the elf and babies. She reached for Scorpius, then as she reached for Caelum, a familar pair of hands grabbed the other baby.

Elara looked up into the eyes of Draco Malfoy. "We can get married now." He said with a big grin on his face.

Elara's eyes then wondered over to a pair of blondes, Draco eyes followed. He smiled slightly, took Elara's free hand and led her to his parents.

"Mum, Dad, this is Elara, and your grandson's, Scorpius and Caelum."

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