Chapter 24

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Elara felt as if she was on fire. But she saw nothing around her. It was nothing but darkness and the feeling of burning. When she tried to open her eyes, they were already open. When the darkness finally started to fade away.

She found herself standing in her childhood home. That Christmas that her mother was killed. But it wasn't the same, she was the only one in the room. Everything was destroyed. The Christmas tree was pushed over. The couch and chairs were on their backs. The pictures were smashed and everywhere. Papers covered the floor. That was all until the fire started. She stood in the middle of it all. That's when she saw her mum getting killed all over again. Then when she was attacked last Christmas.

  Everything slowly started to come into play. Anything and everything bad that had happened to her. It happened during Christmas. The time people were the weakest, but this might be the time she's will be her strongest.

Then everything went about and she was standing the in the Dumbeldor household. The paintings of the past family members were there, but they weren't. She also saw that three more had been added onto the line. When the paintings slowly appeared one by one. They didn't great her like they normally would. Then the three slowly started to appear.

Her mother
Her grandfather

Then her

She covered her mouth as a gasp escaped her lips. Tears came to her eyes as everything changed into the family graveyard. She saw a boy with blonde hair. Blonde hair that she knew. She ran to the boy.

"Draco." She raised her hand to placed on his shoulder, but went straight through him.

She then fell into the open grave and didn't stop till she hit the ground of  the tower floor at the school. She heard an evil laugh that she had her one to many times before.

"I just watched your grandfather fall to his dead!" She chanted over and over with her laugh each time. "You'll be next Elara. When I'm down with you, you'll look worse than your mum did. There no longer be any Dumbeldor's left. Your the last and won't be around much longer." She laughed and Elara looked around scared. That's when Belitrix dove towards her.

Elara woke up with a scream. She looked around in a panic, hoping she didn't wake anyone like she had been normally. But she was the only one in the room. That was until she heard foot steps running to the small room she shared. Genny ran in with a worried look on her face. But her face softened when she saw the panic in her best friends eyes. She walked over and sat on the edge of Elara's bed.

"Another nightmare." Genny lightly smiled at the frightened girl. Elara sadly smiled and nodded her head.

"This is the worst one yet."

"They'll stopped, sooner or later." Elara sighed and kicked her legs over the bed.

"If isn't the death of me." Elara thought in her head before getting up and getting dressed in comfy cloths.

  It was a free day for the students, so she didn't have to worry about classes.


Draco began to worry when he didn't see Elara walk in with her friends to breakfast. She normal would walk in with Genny, talking and always smiling.

The boy looked at the father of his girlfriend and saw the worry in his eyes.

Not only did Draco have to worry about the plan the dark Lord was making him play out, sneaking around and trying to get the teleport thing to work. First he did it with an apple, soon he was going to try it with a bird. Draco had to also worry about Elara, who was slowly changing and getting more and more distant from him.

But as he sat there trying to figure out what was going on and what to do. Elara was in the tower, looking out at the sky. Trying to get her mind off the scenes of her nightmare that kept repeating in her mind. The laugh would echo and never stop. She just wanted to climb into the window seal and jump.

That's when the crazy thought got through her mind. She took her jacket off and left herself in her jeans, boots, and sweater.

Like most places in the castle, it had no glass.

Wind blew through her hair as she stood on the edge. She felt like this would all she needed to do. Jump. Then everything would be over. She wouldn't have to worry about the nightmares anymore. She wouldn't have to worry about everything that was going wrong around her. She knew her grandfather was going to die, but she still couldn't handle it. No matter how much she masked it, she was killing herself from the inside out. She knew people could tell that she was changing. The way her skin didn't glow like it use to. The way she was starting to have trouble controling her powers again.

Right when she was about to step forward, she heard foot steps running up the stairs. No one could have seen her standing there. The window faces away from other windows and it was to high up for students to see her. 

Draco's heart stopped when he saw her, about to jump.

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