Chapter 8

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Severus keep an close eye out the next few days. Elara did her best to stay low and didn't bring any attention to herself. She even stayed away from Draco. Even though it hurt her more than she thought it would. And it wasn't just her that was hurting, he was hurting too.


Elara walked quietly down the corridor, trying to get back to her common room, she avoided any eye contact. Draco was leaned up against the wall about a hundred feet away from Elara. Not that either of them knew.

Just as Draco began to walk down the hallway, his shoulder collided with someone else's. "Watch it!" He sneered, the good moods he had, had diminished. He quickly turned to see who he had bumped into to see familiar blue eyes. "Elara." He said softly.

"I, uh, I'm sorry." She said, then quickly ran off, with him running after her.

"Elara," He said, gripping the girls small wrist. "Stop avoiding me."

"Draco, stop, it's not safe for you to be around me." She argued, attempting to pull wrist away from him.

"Didn't I make it obvious? I. Don't. Care." Draco stated.

"Well I do. I'd rather you be safe and away from me, than in danger and near me. I told you Draco, I'm a target. You'll get hurt or worse killed, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Do this one thing for me, stay away from me. All I want is to ensure your safety." She pleaded.

"I can handle myself! Why, why are you so worried about my safety!" He raged.

"For not having a heart, I think you're capable of love. Just like you mum." The words replayed in her head. "Because Draco, I think you were right." She said before doing the one thing that only the headmaster can do inside the castle, she disapperated.


Draco stood in shock, staring at the spot the girl once stood. He had a hurt look on his face. He turned and punched the wall he was standing close by. This girl was changing him for the better. He was falling for her on all the right places, he was falling in love with her. He just didn't know it yet, and she didn't either. But she had a feeling, she had a feeling that she loved him.

Elara reappeared in the tower amd looked out the stone window. In the past few days, something has happened. Her grandfather was gone, and she didn't know where he had gone neither did her father. Umbrige had taken over control of the school and it was getting harder and harder for her to hid. Every day she would add more and more rules to, each changing everything.


Elara had tears streaming down her face as she locked herself in the familiar stall in moaning myrtles bathroom. There was a light creak. She muffled her cries and lifted her feet off the ground.

"Who's in here?" Harry's voice echoed off the walls.

"She's in there." Myrtle pointed to the door that Elara was behind.

"Who?" Harry looked at the ghost.

"The girl with black hair, she's has been in here with you before." Harry slowly walked towards the door.

"Elara." Harry quitely said, walking close to the door.

"Go away." She said, her feet touched the ground. "I want to be left alone."

"You need someone to talk to, you can talk to me."

"You wouldn't understand!" She stood up and opened the door without thinking.

"I've faced death, and your telling me I wouldn't understand!" She pushed past him.

"That's different! You're a completely different story!" She turned to look at him. He slowly walked closer to her.

"You expect me to believe you? How is that I'm different than you? Just because I have a scare on my forehead."

"That's not what I meat." She shook her head. He took a mother step closer to her, his eyes looking down at her.

"It's what it sounded like. We're just the same, there's nothing different between us." He lowered his voice.

"You don't understand, I am different." He laid his hand on her cheek, looking deep into her eyes.

"No you're not." Then when she wasn't expecting it, he pulled her lips to his. She froze at his movement.

"Oh no." Elara said with wide eyes as she ran out of the bathroom.

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