Chapter 18 : Goodbye

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Alex's POV

I sat at the beach the sunset. It was so beautiful. Suddenly, I heard the strum of a guitar and turned around. There stood Niall and his guitar. I smiled at him.

" Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me, but bear this is mind it was meant to be " he sang. It was perfect.

" And i'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks. And it all makes sense to me " His voice is perfect.

" I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth. But if I do, it's you, oh it's you, it's you they add up to. And i'm in love with you. And all these little things " He is perfect.

1 week later

I just sat at the house using my phone with Eleanor next to me. The boys had to go out, something to do with the band. I'm officially Niall's girlfriend. But I don't really get the point. There is nothing going on with us. I mean nothing. We act like just friends. Actually, things are worse. Everything is so awkward between us. We barely talk. He is barely home. Even the boys are here more often.

Right after the boys came back, I got a text from.... dad??

Dad : Honey, you have to come home. Your mother is dying. She has cancer. I bought a ticket for you to fly back here in three days. I'll email it to you.

I stared at it for what must have been thousands of years. I just sat there as a tear rolled down my cheek followed by many others.

" Alex? Are you okay? " Eleanor said shaking my arm.

I got up and ran into my room and locked the door.

This can't be happening. This can't be happening!!! I sobbed into the pillow.

I decided to skip dinner and sleep in my room.


I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I'm ugly, stupid and an idiot. I'm ugly stupid and an idiot. I said to myself. I am a horrible person.

I sighed and walked down the stairs to see my friends in one circle talking about something.

" Tell me how it goes! " I heard Eleanor say to Niall. Then Louis covered her mouth.

" She's here " he whispered. They spread out.

I looked at Niall and he shot me a huge grin. I slightly smiled back. He was too happy to notice that it was a fake smile. Lucky me.

I grabbed an apple and ate it. Everyone was so happy, I wonder why. What were they talking about before I came down?

I saw Niall sitting outside at the swing scrolling through Twitter. I sighed trying not to cry. This was going to ruin his mood, it already ruined mine.

I sat down beside him and smiled.

" Oh hey babe " he said smiling as he gave me a light peck on the cheek.

" Niall, we have to talk " I said.

" Sure " he said shoving his phone in his pocket. " Is everything okay? " he asked.

" Fine.... " I trailed off.

" What's wrong? " he asked. Suddenly, a tear rolled down my cheek Niall's eyes widened. Even though things between Niall and I are awkward, I still love him. I'll love him forever. But i'll have to forget him. He has his life to continue on and I have mine. But I just can't do it.

I started sobbing. Before Niall could wrap his arms around me, I ran up to my room and cried for what seemed like hours. Every once in a while, someone came up and knocked on the door. But when I didn't budge, they left.

Then I heard Eleanor talk to Louis downstairs. After that, she came up and knocked continuously, I opened the door knowing she won't ever give up. I sighed jumping onto the bed face-down. When she walked in, she closed the door before looking it and sat down beside me.

" What's wrong? " she asked rubbing my back.

I sat up straight and burried my hands in my hair.

" I'm leaving " I said quickly.

" What? " she said shocked. She noticed all my bags were packed up, ready to leave.

" I said " I'm leaving " " I repeated. She rolled her eyes.

" I heard you. Why are you leaving? " she asked.

" My mum.... is dying " I said softly. " Cancer " I started crying again.

" Shhhh, it's okay " she said hugging me.

" When are you leaving? " she asked.

I didn't want to tell her " Very soon ".

" Can't you stay a tad longer? " she asked. I shook my head.

" My mum needs me " I said.

She frowned.

" I was going to break up with Niall but I just couldn't " I cried. She sighed of relief and rubbed my back.

" Promise me? " I said grabbing her hand.

" Yes? " she said squeezing my hand a bit.

" Don't....... don't tell anyone i'm leaving. I want to start a new life without causing trouble for you guys " she looked like she wanted to say that I wasn't but she just nodded.

" Niall loves you " Eleanor blurted out.

I shook my head " He doesn't, don't you see what's going on between us? " I say.

She shrugged and shook her head. " I don't really know "

" Because there isn't anything going on! " I say loudly and sigh. " Sorry " I apologized.

She smiled at me " It's okay " we hugged for awhile.

" Are you going to stay in your room again? " she asked.

I nodded. " I'm tired " I say.

" I understand " she said before heading out.

I sighed and lied back down. This is going to be hard.

Eleanor's POV

1 Day Later

I walked downstairs followed by the rest of the guys feeling a little bit curious about how Alex has been. We slept together in the movie room after watching Insidious 2. Yeah...

I hope she'll last until Niall's surprise for her. He has a very big thing for her tonight. It will be like a date. He has prepared so much hoping she'll love it. I hope it goes well. Or else Niall has been away booking things for no reason. That is why he has been gone for awhile.

I got up from the couch I was sitting on and said " I'm going to check on Alex " I said before going upstairs. I knocked on her door before going inside.

Niall's POV

Eleanor got up and said she was going to check on Alex. I was sooooooo excited about tonight! I have been planning this since our last date!

The loud footsteps of Eleanor running down the stairs broke my thoughts. Her eyes were opened wide looking like she just saw a ghost. She ran into the kitchen and searched the whole house as we all watched her in confusion. She gave up and started crying.

Louis quickly ran to her.

" Babe! Babe! What's wrong?! " he asked worried.

" It's Alex " she sobbed. The sound of her name made me stand up straight away.

" What about her? " I asked.

" She's gone "

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