Chapter 23 : You're Finding Nemo But I'm Finding You ( Last Chapter! )

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Niall's POV

I smiled as I walked over to Lexy after the rides we went to. Lexy looked so much like Alex. Plus their name sound alike too. But it couldn't be. It just couldn't be. I shrugged the thought away.

" Have fun? " she asked Jamie, Jamie nodded with a big grin on her face.

Lexy laughed, " Now who wants cotton candy? " she cheered.

" ME ME! " everyone screamed. Both of us laughed as we walked towards the small stall.

2 hours later

We arrived back home laughing as we listened to Lexy's most embarrassing moment.

" I can still remember one time I almost had my first kiss when I was 10 years old, it was next to a fountain at a pool. We were just walking around his apartment and it felt like the perfect moment. "

The children giggled.

She continued, " Just as we leaned in, a football hit my head from behind and my head knocked his causing him to fall into the water. I was so scared he will yell at me so I ran back home. " I burst out in laughter along with the other kids. It reminded me of Alex when she got embarrassed and ran to my house. My smile faded.

" Niawer, why aw you cwying? " asked Jamie tugging on my shirt bringing me back to reality.

" Shit. " I cursed under my breath not knowing I was crying. I quickly rubbed my tears off with my sleeves laughing it off.

Lexy shot me a questioning look. I shook my head hoping she'd get the hint that I'm fine. She frowned. Damn, she saw right through me? How? I'm usually good at hiding my emotions, unless it's Alex. Alex reads me like a book.

" I have a surprise for you guys tomorrow. But until then, you guys should get some rest. " I said looking at the clock, " It's already 10. ".

" You guys go get changed, we'll tuck you in later. " I said smiling as those three angels ran up the stairs, I smiled.

These was a long silence before she turned to me, " What's wrong? " she asked.

I avoided eye contact " Nothing... " I turned away " I'm going to change. " I said quickly walking up the stairs as tears started to form in my eyes. What the f**k am I doing?!

Alex's POV

I watched as Niall vanished up the stairs. I sighed, I didn't know it was hurting him so much. Why doesn't he notice that I'm Alex?? Do I look that different? Okay, never mind. I'm just going to forget everything and start over again. One thing is for sure. I do love Niall.

I was so tired. I walked up the stairs thinking about what we should do tomorrow and tripped. My right foot kicked the staircase and I fell down knocking my head on the edge of the stair. I groaned out in pain. I gently touched my forehead, it was bleeding. I tried crawling up the stairs but my foot hurt so bad.

Instead, I just laid on the floor not moving a muscle. Everything was getting darker, am I fainting? Or am I falling asleep? Whatever it is, it felt good.

Next day~

I woke up with a headache on the bed that I shared with Niall. I groaned.

" Shhh, go to sleep love. " Niall said brushing my hair from my face. I felt tingles from his touch. I opened my eyes meeting his beautiful blue eyes. He smiled at me.

" What happened? " my voice cracked at the end.

" I found you lying on the staircase unconscious five minutes after I came up. So I carried you and brought you here. "

" You-Did you sleep? " I touched his face, he looked rather pale. He looked away.

" I couldn't sleep. " he mumbled. I smiled slowly getting up, my foot still hurts.

" Arghh. " I groaned. Niall's eyes widened.

" Are you okay? Did I hurt you?! " he quickly got up. I laughed and shook my head.

" It's just my feet, I tripped and knocked my head on the stairs. " he looked worried. I smiled. " I'm alright, don't worry. " he breathed out a sigh of relief.

" I'll be right back, stay here. " I laughed, why would he say stay here? I can barely move.

He ran out the door and came back after few minutes with bandages and plasters in his hands. I just smiled at him. He sat down next to me and pulled away the cover. My ankle was bruised badly. Black and purple all over. I sighed.

Niall gave me a reassuring smile. He gently wrapped the bandage around my leg and used adhesive tape to hold it together. He put a plaster on my forehead gently. I winced at the pain. Then sighed.

" Thanks. " I smiled at Niall. He nodded.

" Your welcome. " he replied and kissed my forehead.


" Let's go to the park! " said Jodie excitement clear in her voice. Everyone was very fond of the idea as we have been just sitting around the house watching tv the whole day. I looked at Niall and smiled.

" You guys get changed into something suitable, i'll get everything packed. " Niall said before they raced up the stairs as fast as they could. I smiled.

" They're angels. " I turned to Niall. He stared straight at me smiling.

" Yeah, they are. " He chuckled and started looking around for napkins.

" Need any help? " I asked limping forward. The bruise on my leg was healing but it still hurt.

" No no, you should sit down. Your leg hasn't fully recovered. " he said gesturing for me to sit.

" I'm fine, Niall. " I chuckled.

" Sure you are, I was very worried when I saw you motionless on the floor last night. " he looked at me, then smiled. " But i'm glad you're okay now. "

I nodded and smiled.


" Lexy, we're going to play football over there! " announced Jonah loudly. I smiled.

" Okay Jonah, just don't go too far. " I said as the three of them ran to an empty spot.

I sat at on the picnic cloth under a tree with Niall eating cake. Everything was silent, it was about 7 when everyone was having dinner. The park was rather empty, I could hear the sound of birds wings flapping above us.

" So, Lexy, " Niall said breaking the silence. I looked at his angelic face. " I'd like to get to know you better, tell me about yourself. " he smiled taking a big bite out of his chocolate cake.

I closed my eyes and sighed. ' I knew this would happen someday, but if he's meant to find out, so be it '. " Well Niall, I moved to Ireland from America when I was 4. " Niall's eyes widened in shock then turned into realization. I continued, " Next door lived this rather mischevious boy, he was adorable. We grew up together, I had strong feelings for him, but he left. I found him again one day by coincidence. I thought these feelings only came from friendship. But boy I was wrong. " He smiled " Things were a little crazy but at the end I found love " I said slowly.

" I found him. "

" I found out. "

" He found out. "

" We found out. " we said together as he grabbed my hands in his rather bigger ones.

" It was more than friendship. "

I can't believe it's over! You guys probably weren't expecting that i'd end it so quickly, me neither. But i have to go on with other stories. I might write a second book! Stay tuned (:

~ Destiny <3

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