Letter Two:

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Dear Mother,

I just saw it on the news.  Three woman were found dead in three separate trash bins.  Each body was killed different than the other, so they still haven't determined if the murders are connected yet.  BUT.  The bodies were found in the same city which happens to be the one ten minutes away from where I live.  Talk about yikes!

It frightens me to go outside because Aaron has left for a business trip, and he won't be back for another couple of days.  Luckily my neighbor Alicia has let me sleep over at her house while Aaron is gone.  Still, this gives me little comfort.  She is a single mother and has two young children.  If there is a murderer on the lose, we would have no protection against him.

Oh how I wish Aaron would return!  Then we could come visit you and the family and get away from this whole mess!


          Abigail Kibbins

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