Letter Thirteen:

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Dear Mother,

It's been a week since Aaron's arrest, and I'm still not able to talk to him.  I don't think I really want to talk to him anyway.  Not after the hurt he's caused me.  It hurts just thinking of him, but I need to get my feelings out before they eat me alive.

Poor Alicia probably doesn't know what to do with me.  I don't think she's told her children what happened to "Uncle Aaron" or why "Aunt Abigail" is sleeping over for so long.  I guess it's best not to tell them yet.  At least not until they find Aaron guilty or innocent.

I think I will pack the rest of my things after I'm done writing this letter and head home.  Maybe it will do good to see everyone again.  Then maybe I'll be able to see past all of this and make sense of the whole situation.


          Abigail Kibbins

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