Letter Seven:

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Dear Mother,

Aaron is better now.  Okay, okay.  He has recovered some, but he still feels week.  At least he's able to walk and eat better than he has the past week.  He's been complaining about a headache, but we didn't have any Tylenol in the house, so I offered to run to the store and get him some.  He latched onto my sleeve and pleaded with me not to leave the house.

After a long battle, he said, well okay, he yelled, "I can't keep you safe when you're away!"

I just stared at him in shock, but quickly regained my senses.  I told him that I would be fine, but if he felt so strongly about the matter, I would stay in the house.  He seemed to find comfort in my words, and he immediately went and lay down on the couch.  Later, when he had fallen asleep, I quietly opened the door and went outside.  It was a nice Autumn day, not too cold and not too hot.  The leaves were changing colors already and some were even on the ground, but I knew I couldn't revel in the fall beauty for long because I needed to get something for Aaron's headache.

I knocked on Alicia's door, but before she answered, a hand clamped down on my shoulder.  I squealed in surprise and turned around quickly.  I thought I was to be the next one found dead, but it was just Aaron standing there.  He looked angry to see me outside, and I didn't blame him.  My surprise to see him there dressed in normal clothes and a healthy glow to his cheeks, was quickly over taken with the need to apologize.

Just as I was about to utter my apologies, Alicia opened the door.  She looked surprised to see both of us standing there because just the other day, Aaron couldn't even stand up.  But she welcomed us in regardless.  Aaron refused, saying he had other business to take care of before heading off to bed.  I was relieved to be left alone with Alicia.  I needed time away from everything that had been going on, and I wasn't ready to face Aaron's 'wrath' just yet.

Alicia and I chatted for a good hour, and then I retreated to my apartment with some pain reliever that she had let me borrow.  I promised to pay her back.  I have to say, I was a little nervous to return to the apartment, but when I opened the door, you can imagine my surprise when I saw Aaron on the couch just as I had left him: pajamas, tousled hair, and pale cheeks.  I guess it serves him right for going out and doing business while he's still sick.

I didn't want to wake him, but he said he had had a pretty bad headache, so I sat on the edge of the couch and nudged his shoulder.  When he opened his eyes, I showed him the bottle of pain reliever.  He asked if I had gone to the store to get it.  I explained that he had seen me at Alicia's apartment and just assumed that he knew I wasn't going anywhere else.  He looked even pale when I had finished, but he just nodded.

I started to get up, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me to his side again.  He whispered in my ear, "Please don't leave without me again." I hesitated, but he looked so vulnerable and weak that I could do anything but nod.  He seemed to take comfort with my nod, and released me.

I didn't feel comforted at all.  In fact, I felt nauseated.  Why was Aaron so set on me not leaving the house without him?  I mean, there is a killer out there, but I feel safer now that there haven't been anymore murders for a few days.  Besides, I think he's just being overly protective.  Maybe it's because he is sick.  Who knows?  Once he is better, and the mysteries are solved, I will call you.  Maybe then we'll be able to decide on a date to see each other.


          Abigail Kibbins

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