Letter Fourteen:

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Dear Mother,

 I can't begin to tell you what has just happened.  My heart is still pumping with fear and adrenaline.  It turns out the rock thrown through our window meant many things.  Like always, I will start from the beginning even if I'm dying to tell you everything I have learned.

I went to pack the rest of my things, like I told you I was going to do, and I heard someone open the front door.  I knew it was the front door because it still squeaks.  I went to see who it was, but the living room was empty.  Thinking I had imagined it, I went back to work.

I was just starting on the bedside table, and I had picked up a picture frame.  Through the glass, I thought I saw someone move.  But when I looked back, there was no one there.  Instead, there were the piles of boxes that I had already filled.  So I continued to fill the box I was working on, but I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me.

At this time, I decided I would finish the box I was on, and then I would retreat back to Alicia's apartment.  I quickly thrust things in, not caring where they were placed, or if I was fitting as much as I could into one box.  That's when I heard the unmistakable click of the door being locked behind me.  I turned around as fast as I could and reached for the rolling pin.  I kept it by the bed, so I'd feel safe when I slept.  It turns out it came in handy.

In front of me stood Aaron, his lips twisted in a smirk.  He told me that all the girls looked cute when they realized he had come for them.  Then he continued to tell me that that was the reason he killed so often.  Because he loved seeing the fear on each of his victim's faces.  Then he stepped forward once, and I tightened my hands on the rolling pin.  I didn't know if I could use it against him, but I sure wanted to.

He told me that it would be no use to try defending myself because he was much stronger than I was and more experienced with attacking and blocking.  After all, he had done it many times.  Regardless of his words, I kept the rolling pin ready.  He continued to come forward, slowly, until he was just a few steps away from me.  He told me to drop the rolling pin, and I did.  Then he slowly reached out and took my arm.

My mind was racing as he took another step forward and smiled evilly.  His hand brushed through my hair, and he finished by cupping my chin in his hands.  He released me and stepped back.  Then he turned and strolled casually towards the boxes, saying they were great hiding places.  I asked him what he meant, and he turned back to me, that silly grin still on his face.

He said that he had been hiding in the apartment for quite some time.  Then he laughed at something he had thought and shook his head.  Then he said, "I even saw Aaron arrested."  At first I didn't know what he was talking about.  This surely was Aaron in front of me.  It looked like Aaron, and he sounded like Aaron, but was it Aaron?

When he saw the confused look on my face, he mocked my confusion with a look of sadness.  "Aw, honey, did Aaron not tell you?" he asked.

He then bent down and searched through the boxes, pulling out a picture of Aaron and me.  He held it up to his face and raised an eyebrow.  That's when it clicked.  This wasn't Aaron in front of me, this was his twin.  That's when I knew I was in real trouble, and that the police had the wrong man.  My husband wasn't a killer.  This man in front me was.

I bent down and retrieved the rolling pin.  He shook his head and quickly came forward, seeming to enjoy that I had chosen a chase instead of cooperation.  I screamed and jumped onto the bed.  He took this as an opportunity to grab my legs and pull me down.  The rolling pin flew form my hands and landed across the room with a thud.  I tried kicking my legs, but he had them pinned under his body weight.

He started to claw his way up to my face, and I knew that I wasn't getting out of this one alive.  In a last attempt to save myself, I twisted my torso as much as it could go and looked Aaron's twin in the face.  Knowing that his hands were preoccupied at the moment, I jabbed his eye with one of my fingers.  He cried out in pain and let go of my legs, reaching up to baby his eye.  It had worked.

Using my newly found freedom, I jumped from the bed and ran fro the rolling pin.  Before I could reach it, Aaron's twin had recovered and made a dive for my legs again.  We both hit the ground hard.  I landed inches away from the rolling pin, but my breath had been knocked from my lungs, making me wither in pain.  I laid there knowing that in moments, Aaron's twin would pick up the rolling pin and most likely beat me to pieces.

Exactly as I had thought, he calmly got up, walked over to it, and picked it up.  While I lay on the ground in pain, trying to recover my breath, he rolled the pin in his hand probably thinking of the success he was going to have.  Instead of using the rolling pin to beat the living daylight out of me, he set it down and picked me up by the arm.  He said he liked to play cat and mouse every once and while, and he figured this was as good a time as any.

He told me that I had ten seconds to get to the phone and call the police.  If I managed to get over there in time, he would spare my life.  I asked him why he would be so stupid to kill me in the first place when they had my husband locked up in his place.  This must have gotten him angry because he yanked my collar towards him so that we were face to face.  He told me not to question his tactics.

At this point in time, his face went from serious to a frenzied dread.  He searched my eyes and then grew angry again.  He pulled out a pistol and shoved it to my head.  The barrel felt cold against my skin, and I tried to shrink away.  He told me that I would be dead if those cops were coming for him.  I told him that I didn't have anything to do with the sirens.  Right after I was done explaining this, the sirens stopped, but we could still see the lights flashing from underneath the door.

I smiled for the first time since he had taken me captive because I knew he wouldn't be able to kill me now.  He seemed to notice that he needed a hostage, and he quickly took me from the room and out to the front door.  After checking to see if the police were coming to this apartment, he thrust me through the front door.

He kept the pistol to my head and shouted that if they moved any closer, I would be dead.  They all stopped in their tracks.  He told them to put down their weapons.  Slowly, one by one, they placed their weapons on the ground, and I felt dread wash over me.  What was going to happen now?  Would Aaron's twin make a run for it with me in tow?

To my surprise, I felt a hand wrap around mine and then I was twisted around.  I couldn't tell what Aaron's brother was thinking, but then he suddenly leaned down and kissed me.  He said he had wanted to do that from the beginning.  Then he apologized, turned me back around, kissed my hair, and then pushed me into the midst of the cops.

The silence was broken as the cops retrieved their weapons and took off after him.  I could hear their shouts as they chased him down, and then there was silence.  I was shocked and confused.  That's when I looked down and read the scribbled apology of a mess up man.  I felt nauseated suddenly and leaned against the apartment door.  That's when Alicia showed up.  When I saw her, we both burst into tears and cried for what seemed like hours but was most likely only a few minutes.

After we settled back into her apartment, and I had fixed myself a cup of herbal tea, Alicia confessed that she had called the police.  She had wanted to help me pack, so she went over to my apartment.  That's when she saw Aaron shutting the bedroom door.  She knew that something was wrong, so rather than getting us both killed, she came back to her own apartment and called the police.  If she had decided to interfere, we would both be dead right now.

I explained to her that it wasn't Aaron, but his twin brother who had attacked me.  She seemed relieved by my words, but I couldn't tell if it was more for me or for her.  After all, she had let her children spend a weekend with us and then Aaron was arrested a few days after that.

I can't tell you how relieved and happy I am to find that Aaron is not a murderer.  I can't wait to see him again!  To hold him in my arms and tell him how much I love him.  Tomorrow he will come home, and we can unpack everything I've packed.  Then we can shed light on everything that has transpired.  Oh how I've missed him!


          Abigail Kibbins

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