Letter Fifteen:

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Dear Mother,

Aaron has returned.  I can't tell you how relieved I am to have him back!  Even though Eric is behind bars, we still feel the tension and stress of the whole situation.  It will take a long time to get back to normal.  However, I feel we will try to make the best of our situation.

It's been a week since they caught Aaron's twin brother, Eric, and today we both went to see him in court.  He confessed that he killed every woman they found, and then he said something that shocked me.  He told the court that the only reason he killed wasn't because he enjoyed seeing the fear on each of the victim's faces, but rather to get back at his brother for stealing his love interest.  Also know as: me.  You can probably imagine my shock when he revealed this.  First of all, I had no idea that Aaron had a twin brother until now because he never speaks of his family.  Second of all, I had never met him before previous to the attack.  I guess it did make some sense because he had kissed me before giving himself up.

When Aaron and I got home, he pulled me onto our antique couch and started to explain everything that has happened.  He told me that he suspected Eric to be the serial killer because he has had several mental break downs throughout his life.  When he was on his business trip, he had met Eric at a hotel to discuss his feelings, but Eric got extremely mad when he brought it up.

The next night, Eric disappeared from the hotel, and Aaron came home, fearing that he might come for me next.  He had planned to find him again, but he got sick before he could start.  That's when he realized that Eric might be staying near the apartment, and that he needed to protect me from him.  He confessed that he was extremely shocked when I went to get the pain reliever from Alicia and said that I had seen him.  He didn't know what I was talking about at first, but then he realized that I had seen Eric on the porch, and not him.  That's when it started to get out of control.

The night before he was arrested, he confessed that he went out to find Eric.  He actually had helped Olivia Starkfield by pulling her into a trash bin and taking a picture of his brother as he searched for them.  He was going to go to the police the next day, but his plan backfired.  Olivia had turned his brother's picture in even after he told her not to.

He apologized for everything he put me through and especially for acting so strange, but he knew the truth would have frightened me.  He promised to never sneak around without me again.  But then again, why would he need to?  His brother is in jail now and possibly receiving the death sentence, and I'm not going anywhere.  That means we'll have to sneak around together!


          Abigail Kibbins

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2013 ⏰

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