Letter Eleven:

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Dear Mother,

They found another body.  Except this one wasn't dead, and it wasn't a victim.  I'm sure you'd never guess where it was, even if that stupid rock led right to our apartment.  I guess I'm relieved to know the truth even how hard it was to take.

Let me start from the beginning.  This morning I felt so peaceful.  I guess this was due to the fact that Aaron was close to me while I was sleeping.  Since he didn't have the flu anymore, he didn't have to take the precaution of sleeping on the couch.  I guess I felt comforted that he was so close to me.

This feeling of peace and comfort didn't last long.

I was rudely awakened by the flashing lights of police cars and the word, "Police!" being yelled, followed with a banging on the door.  Aaron and I sat up in bed alarmed.  Of course we didn't know what was going on, or at least, that's what Aaron wanted me to believe.  We appeared at the door together, Aaron in a bathrobe, and me in my pajamas.

The officer showed us her badge, and then she explained that she had a warrant for Aaron's arrest.  I demanded to know why, but Aaron seemed to be expecting this or just knew not to argue with an officer.  After the officer was done, he simply asked if he could get some regular clothes on before going down to the station.  The officer agree.

When he got back, he willingly let her slap those horrible handcuffs onto his wrist, and after a quick, goodbye kiss, the officer led him to the police car.  I watched silently as they pulled away from the apartment.

I didn't even get an explanation.

Abigail Kibbins

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