Letter Twelve:

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Dear Mother,

 I just watched the news.  Isn't it a shame that I had to find out what my husband did through the news?  The officer wouldn't even tell us why she was arresting him.  She only showed us the warrant and a blurry pictures of Aaron near an apartment building looking angry.  I realize now that I've only seen Aaron this way once, and it was the day I was getting pain reliever from Alicia.

Anyway, I'm not talking about the day Aaron was sick.  Rather, I'm talking about his arrest, and how he became responsible for what happened during that horrible night.  I still can't believe Aaron would do such a thing.

Apparently he tried to kill an Olivia Starkfield when she went to check on her dog.  Fortunately for her, she was able to fight him off and disappear before he could find where she went.  She then pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of him searching for her.  She called the cops and then bravely, or stupidly, followed after him.

When he heard the sirens of the police cars, he took a run for it.  The police followed on foot, but he was able to disappear from them before they could catch up.  I guess this rarely happens.  Going back to the station, the police ran some names and got Aaron's as a direct match.  Apparently one picture was enough evidence to get a warrant for his arrest, and that's how the police showed up at our front door.

Can you believe it?  I can't even talk to Aaron until they're done stripping information from him.  If I could, I would ask if it were true.  If he killed all those people.  If he was lying to my face.  If he married me, just so he could kill me in the end.  It's hard not to speculate when so much is at stake.  You think you know someone, but I guess you never know everything about one person.  Their darkest secrets will always be kept in their deepest cupboard, never to be opened.  Even if he had told me that he was the one killing all of those people, I wouldn't have believed him.  I guess that why he kept it to himself.

To say the least, I can't stay here anymore.  The memories hurt too much.  So, I've started packing my things and will be moving within the next few days.  Alicia offered for me to stay at her apartment until I find another place.  I have gratefully accepted the offer.  As for Aaron's possessions, I have stashed them in a storage unit.  If he gets out of jail, I will tell him where they are.  If he gets the death sentence, I'll sell his things.  Maybe then I'll come home and let you tell me how right you were about him.


         Abigail Kibbins

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