Chapter 10

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Gohan sighed as he watched the boys knock one of the fighters out to use his costume. They wanted to fight in the adult division so they formulated a plan. Steal someone else's costume so that they couldn't be recognized, pretend to be that fighter and then fight in the adult division. Gohan shook his head, he didn't think this was a good idea, but the boys had to learn from their own mistakes.
"You guys look ridiculous," Gohan said, while one of his eyebrows are lifted.
"Awh, c'mon, brother, this is gonna be fun!" Trunks answered while making his voice deeper than usual.
"Oh man," Gohan said, face palming.
"C'mon, Trunk, let's go," Goten said impatiently.

They started walking, though they were all over the place. Wobbling to the side as Trunks couldn't seem to get his balance right on Goten's shoulders.
"Trunks, sit still," Goten whined.
"Alright, alright!" Trunks said, adjusting himself quickly.
"Okay, let's hurry, it's about to start!" Trunks said, his voice slightly rushed.
Goten took off running, Trunks managed to keep his balance this time and not wobble everywhere.
Gohan stood in the hall from which they came, staring after the two boys in bewilderment. He shook his head, a small smile tugging at his lips. He just couldn't believe the things those two got themselves into. He then noticed that they were out of sight and ran in the direction they had run off to.

He arrived at the waiting area type place and found the boys standing in a corner, quietly arguing to themselves. He slowly walked over to them, hearing the end of their argument.
"But, Trunks, I want to be on top, why do I have to be on the bottom?" Goten whined once again.
"Because, stupid, if you want to be on top you have to think and act like an adult, can you do that?" Trunks whispered.
"Wow, Trunks, you're really smart!" Goten whisper yelled.
"You guys might not wanna argue like that here," Gohan said quietly.
"Why?" Trunks and Goten asked in unison.
"Mr Piccolo has sensitive ears, he might hear you," Gohan explained.
"Ahh! Oh no, I almost forgot!" Trunks said a little louder than he should have.

The other Z warriors glanced his way briefly before going back to their conversations.
"Plus, you might not want to talk to me in public, you guys are the only ones who can see me, you know,"
Trunks nodded once, a serious look on his face. This caused Gohan to laugh again. Silly boys.
Piccolo smiled a small brief smile from where he stood, leaning against the wall. Those boys, always getting into trouble.
His thoughts were cut off by the announcer, saying they should get up on the stage to draw a number.
Piccolo stared suspiciously at the purple man along with his friend. He couldn't point it out, but something was amiss. After they pulled their numbers, they went back to the waiting room, watching as Krillin beat his opponent.

Piccolo had forfeited his match, he knew now, well he suspected something.
"Tell me, are you the Grand Kai?" Piccolo asked, wanting to know if his suspicions were correct.
"No, sorry," the man said, a strange smirk on his face.
"I'll tell you who he is. He is the Supreme Kai!" Kibito said.
Piccolo let out a shocked gasp mixed with a yell. It couldn't be! He's heard rumours before, but that's exactly what he thought they were, rumours. Why would the Supreme Kai come here though? Kai's usually don't interfere with the natural way of things, so this was a rarity. That would mean that something was going to go seriously wrong, but what? The earth was peaceful, right? Nothing evil had come to endanger the earth's peaceful times since Cell!

"Why is the Supreme Kai here on earth?" Piccolo questioned.
"I cannot say just yet, but I will later," the Kai answered.
"I-I-" Piccolo was at a loss for words.
"Keep this little piece of information to yourself, I don't want the others to know just yet," the Kai spoke in his gentle, kind voice.
Shin walked past Piccolo, followed closely by Kibito.
Piccolo was almost to shocked for words. He shook himself out of it and walked back to the others, resting against a wall as they watched the other people fight. Videl was fighting Spopovich and it was safe to say that the girl wasn't going to win. Piccolo started to contemplate what to do.

They could all be in grave danger. What about Trunks and Goten? They could get into trouble. He had to make a decision and quick. Sighing, he pushed off the wall. He had to do it, though he didn't necessarily want to ruin the boys' fun, but they could get hurt.
"Goku, Vegeta," he called, gaining their attention.
"Mmm?" Goku asked.
"I don't mean to ruin their fun, but you might want to tell your boys that they really shouldn't be here," Piccolo said, gesturing with his head to the fighter who was quietly arguing with himself again.
"Ah! Goten! What are you doing?!" Goku yelled out in surprise.
"Aw man, busted," Trunks said.

The purple haired boy slowly drifted off of Goten's shoulders and pulled off the clothing he was wearing that didn't belong to him.
"I'm sorry, daddy, we just wanted to have some fun," Goten said with a guilty look on his face.
"This is dangerous kid, I suggest both of you go to your mothers and go home," Piccolo said.
"What? Why?" Goku asked.
The other Z warriors looked at them, their attention gained by what Piccolo was saying.
"Something bad is coming, I can feel it," Piccolo explained.
Goku stared at the green man, face serious. He knew not to doubt Piccolo, the man was nearly always right in his suspicions.
"Trunks, Goten, I need you to hurry and go to you mothers, bring them here so that we can explain, got it?" Goku instructed. The two boys nodded, noticing the serious situation and ran off.

"I trust you on this, Piccolo," Goku said.
"What could possibly go wrong, though?" Krillin asked.
"A powerful wizard named Babidi," Shin answered, walking over to the group.
"Why should we trust you?" Vegeta asked menacingly.
"Have a little more respect, that's the Supreme Kai!" Piccolo yelled.
Shocked gasps went throughout the room.
"The Supreme Kai?" Krillin asked.
"Spopovich and Yamu are working for Babidi. They need a large amount of pure energy to awaken the monster that will destroy the entire universe," Shin explained.
"Who is this monster and how do you know about this?" Goku asked.
"His name is Majin Buu and I know this because I have witnessed it happen before. Years ago Babidi's father Bibidi created Buu. With it came the destruction of many planets, however, Buu was too strong to control for very long, so Bibidi created a ball in which he would seal Buu and send him to other planets. Once there, his minions would retrieve large amounts of pure energy to awaken Buu. Buu was sent here to destroy the earth next, but Bibidi was killed before that could happen. We didn't go searching for the ball because we believed that Bibidi was the only one who could awaken Buu," Shin explained.

"We were wrong, though. Bibidi's son could awaken him as well, but we don't know where the ball is," Kibito said.
"So he needs pure energy to awaken Buu?" Goku asked.
"Yes and large amounts. It would be perfect if we could get Gohan to help," Shin said.
A tense silence filled the air.
Shin was confused, what is going on?
"Hate to break it to you, Supreme Kai, but Gohan's dead," Vegeta said.
Shin looked shocked. But how? When?! Had he been so busy searching for that ball that he didn't notice the earth's greatest hero was dead? But that's not right. Gohan was standing right there!!
"B-but-" Shin stammered.
"Dad! We're back!" Goten yelled.

"Goku what's wrong?!" Chi-Chi exclaimed.
"Chi-Chi! Look I don't have much time to explain! You need to leave and get somewhere safe! There's something coming and-" Goku was cut off by the crowd screaming and a loud explosion.
"B-but how?" Shin exclaimed before running out onto the ring.
The Z warriors followed along with the women.
"Ahh!" Goku yelled out in shock.
There in the middle of the ring stood a large pink man with a little green creature next to it. An entire side of the stadium was gone, smoke still emitting from where the blast had exploded against the wall. It was where Chi-Chi and the others were sitting.
"Greetings! We're here to destroy you!" The little green creature laughed hysterically.
"Who is that?!" Goku yelled.
"That's Babidi and," Shin said, fear shining brightly in his eyes.

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