Chapter 23

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Gohan panted, he was starting to feel tired. Taking a deep breath, Gohan steadied himself, standing up straight. He walked forward, still glaring at Buu. He walked passed his father, sensing the man’s inner turmoil. He knew that his father was happy that he was okay, but was also upset. Gohan didn't know why his father was upset and couldn't bring himself to care at that moment. He had other things to worry about right now. Goku sighed silently. It seems that Gohan was the one to save them, again. The boy had been doing so a lot lately. Goku felt as though he was supposed to carry that burden, instead of Gohan. He wanted to shelter the boy from all the responsibility of being the hero, but knew it far to late for that. Gohan stopped in front of the group, knowing that he had a better chance of surviving and blocking a lot more than the others could.

Taking a deep breath, Gohan readied himself. He knew that this was going to take most of his energy, but he had to do it. First, he needed to test just how strong this new Buu is. Gohan quickly turned into a super saiyan before he charged at Buu, landing quite a hard punch to the pink child's face. Buu hardly reacted at all. Gohan nodded to himself as the two began punching and kicking at each other, though Gohan was blocking more than actually attacking. This Buu was a lot stronger that he originally thought. Buu caught Gohan off guard and endowed the teenager at the back of his neck, sending Gohan crashing into the ground, creating a large crater. Panting, Gohan whiped away the blood that had fallen from his mouth and stood up.

Breathing deeply, Gohan cupped his hands at his sides, gathering large amounts of energy in his hands.
"" a bright blue light flickered as he gathered his energy.
"HA!!!" He screamed, releasing the energy and sending it straight for Buu. The pink child was slightly shocked at the amount of energy put into the blast, but smirked and blocked it with his hands, pushing forward to try and send it right back at Gohan.
"Gohan!" Goku yelled, running to where he was standing right next to his eldest son, soon followed by Goten. The two new arrivals both formed their own kamehameha's to join Gohan's, desperately trying to help the boy. Goku refused to let Gohan do this alone, not again. He had made that mistake by forcing Gohan to fight Cell on his own, but not again! Goku and Goten's blasts were helping, but it still wasn't enough, Buu was still trying to send it right back at them.

Piccolo saw this and thought, desperately wracking his brain for a solution. That's when he sensed it. Gohan wasn't using all of his energy!
"Gohan!! You've got to let it go!! There's no need to be afraid anymore, my friend! Your father and Goten are there beside you! You're not alone, not anymore!!!" Piccolo yelled, encouraging the boy to fight harder. Gohan closed his eyes. This is exactly like when he faced Cell. The differences being that he has both his arms instead of one. He still had to protect his friends and family, even if most of them are already dead. But the biggest difference was that he wasn't fighting this alone. His father and brother were both right next to him, his father to his right and brother to his left. They were both fighting alongside him. What hurt most was thinking about what would happen after they win this fight. Where would he go? He had hurt everyone and nearly killed them all. No one would want him around, but he doesn't blame them.

His negative thoughts distracted him, causing his energy to weaken and waver. If he let Buu kill them all, then he wouldn't have to face his friends and family again. But, what if he had to face them in Otherworld? No, he was almost completely sure that he would go to hell. But, he can't do that to Trunks and Goten. They were still so you, they had so much to live for. Is it worth it, though? All the hateful stares he was most certainly going to get. His mother would probably shun him. Worst of all, what about the boys? Would they forgive him? Are they going to hate him just as much as the others? Hate him more than his friends? What's going to happen if he saves the world. Will he be all alone?

"Gohan! Please!!!" Goku begged, the strain of Buu pushing back on the blasts was almost unbearable.
"Big brother! Please, help!!" Goten pleaded, not used to this amount of strain that was being placed on his body. Tears welled up in Gohan's eyes, he knew he had to do it. His brother was in pain!! Clenching his eyes shut, the tears fell freely from his eyes as he searched deep within himself. Maybe, Gohan thought, if I use enough energy, I might not make it and I could leave this world after I saved it. Maybe, this time, I could go to a peaceful place. Please.
Gohan found what he was searching for, his large reserves of energy, and released it. Released everything he had. The blast expanded, making it enormous as it hit Buu, who couldn't fight back anymore. The energy engulfed his entire body, destroying every single cell within. The blast raised to the air and blasted into space where it fizzled out. Not a single trace of Buu was left. He was finally gone.

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