Chapter 12

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"Gohan," Goku said, disbelief clearly shown on his face and tone of voice.
"Big brother!! Kick his butt!" Trunks yelled, encouraging the teen.
"Yeah!" Goten laughed.
Gohan and Buu pulled away from each other, flying backwards a few feet to gain some distance between each other.
"That's your big brother?" Bulma asked, shocked.
"Yeah!!" Trunks and Goten cheered.
"Buu fight boy, boy look strong!" Buu repeated.
"So, you were originally going to attack me?" Gohan asked, slightly shocked that Buu could have seen him without him wanting the creature to.
"Yup yup!" Buu answered, smiling widely.

"Buu! Stop wasting time and kill him you idiot!" Babidi yelled.
Gohan stared at the small man for a few moments before descending and landing on the ring standing in front of Goku and Vegeta who had also landed.
Shin stared with a smile on his face. He had figured that Gohan would protect the two boys should they be in danger. The warriors moved onto the ring, standing around Gohan, feeling the need to ask questions, but knew it wasn't the time. Buu landed next to Babidi, frowning slightly as the green man continued to yell at him.

Gohan fazed out and stood behind the two enemy's. Gohan raised his right hand, forming a small, but powerful Ki blast in his hand.
"You're annoying me," Gohan said, voice cold and void of all emotion.
"What?! Who do you think you are?! I am-" Babidi started to yell, but was cut off when Gohan let go of the ki blast.
Babidi screamed as the blast hit him, exploding and killing him instantly, reducing him to dust.
The Z warriors stood staring at Gohan in utter shock.

A sinister smile broke out on Gohan's face as he stared at the other's shocked faces. Trunks and Goten were oblivious to the entire situation and kept on cheering on their big brother.
"Let's end this quickly," Gohan said as he cupped his hands and moved his arms to his side gathering energy there.
"" Gohan yelled and threw his hands forward, releasing a massive amount of energy from his hands. The Z warriors barely made it out of the way when Gohan shot the kamehameha.
The blast hit Buu full force, tearing him apart and blowing most of him into dust.

When the blast gave way, there was almost nothing left of Buu. Slowly, parts of him that weren't destroyed came together, forming a giant misshapen ball as he started forming again. Shocked, Goku made rash decision.
"Grab onto me!" He yelled, placing his pointer and middle finger to his forehead. Everyone grabbed on, but Gohan stayed where he was, preparing to fight to the end.
"Gohan!!" Goku yelled, eyes begging his eldest son to obey and come with him.
"No," Gohan answered shortly, glaring furiously at his father.
"Big brother, please!!" Goten begged, eyes full of unshed tears.
Gohan stared at the two children, wanting to refuse.
"If you're staying, then I will, too!!" Trunks yelled, letting go of Goku.
"Trunks!" Bulma yelled, reaching for the boy, but was stopped by Vegeta.

Vegeta knew, if anyone was to get through to Gohan now, it was the boys.
"Yeah! I'm staying, too!!" Goten yelled, managing to wriggle out of his mother's tight grasp.
"Gohan, please," Chi-Chi begged, shaking at the cold look Gohan gave her.
"C'mon, brother," Goten said, reaching out his smaller hand towards the teenager.
Gohan looked up at Buu who was nearly completely reformed. Sighing loudly, he took Goten's hand. Goten grinned and used his other hand to grab onto Goku's leg as Trunks did the same. Goku quickly focused and searched, his face brightening slightly when he found what he was looking for. Just as Buu reappeared, they disappeared.

Dende nearly fell over when the large group suddenly appeared in front of him. He hadn't expected them at all.
"Huh? Where are we?" Goten asked cheerfully as he let go of Goku and Gohan.
"G-Gohan?" Dende asked, shock clearly written all over his face.
"Dende," Gohan said coldly.
Dende stared at Gohan as the boy let go of his aura, though his hair was a light blonde and his eyes a nice soft blue. Gohan's face still held no emotion, his eyes cold as he looked the others over.
"Gohan! My baby!" Chi-Chi wailed as she practically jumped on the boy, hugging him tightly. Goten and Trunks stared, confused.
"Why is mom hugging our big brother, dad?" Goten asked, looking up at Goku.

Goku couldn't answer, he was just so confused. He had so many questions, so many different emotions running through him. Gohan didn't react when his mother hugged him, he didn't hug her back. At that exact moment, he wanted to disappear again.
"Gohan?" Chi-Chi asked as she pulled away, staring up at the face of her eldest son. He hadn't changed at all.
"How could you?" Chi-Chi asked, her voice taking on an angry tone.
"How could you just leave me like that?! Didn't you even care how I would feel?! You left your brother without even letting him know you! You left all of us just like that? And in such a disrespectful manner?! Laying in a pool of you own blood, Gohan, I had to clean that!! Clean up my own son's blood from wounds he inflicted on himself!! How could you, I will never forgive you!" Chi-Chi yelled.

Gohan stared at her, hurt briefly flashing in his eyes. How could he? HOW COULD HE? This was partially her fault!
"I don't need nor do I want your forgiveness mother," Gohan said coldly, brushing her off and walking to the edge of the lookout. He was tempted to fly away and fight Buu again, but he knew that either the boys or his father would follow him and he didn't want them to get in his way.
"Gohan," Goku said softly but sternly.
Gohan felt his rage bubble in his chest again. He didn't want anything to do with this man.
"Gohan you didn't need to be so cold with your mother, she's just upset and worried. I mean, you did leave her," Goku said, hoping to come through to the boy.

Gohan's Ki spiked, though the others didn't notice, they were still to shocked about the entire situation, well except for the boys.
"Uh oh," Trunks said.
"Daddy, no!" Goten yelled.
Gohan turned abruptly, pulling his fist back, rage taking over his body as he slammed his fist into his father's stomach, knocking the wind out of Goku. Gohan pulled back and spinned, ramming his foot into his father's face, causing Goku to go flying, skidding to a halt in the middle of the group.
Gohan walked over to the fallen hero, seething as he felt an overwhelming feeling to just kill the man. Goku propped himself up on his elbows, fear shining in his eyes as he stared at his son. This wasn't the same innocent, sweet little boy he remembers.

"Gohan!!" Chi-Chi yelled, jumping in between Gohan and his father, a few feet before he reached the man. Gohan raised his arm, prepared to slap the woman out of his way, but was stopped.
"Big brother, stop!! What are you doing?!" Goten asked, standing just a few inches away from Goku. Gohan could see him clearly. Tears were slowly falling from the little boy's eyes as he shook, suddenly frightened by the teenager he had come to know as his big brother. Gohan's face softened, replaced by a look of guilt.
He lowered his hand, glanced around briefly, noticing the scared and shocked looks nearly everyone wore.

"I-I-" Gohan stuttered, backing away from his mother. Gohan stared at his shaking hands in disbelief. What is he doing, what has gotten into him?! He nearly struck his own mother! He was so blinded by rage that he nearly hurt someone he loved. He-he was a monster.
"W-what have I done?" He whispered.
"Gohan," Goku said as he slowly stood up. Gohan looked up quickly, his emotions clearly shown in his eyes. All his pain, hurt, confusion and anger.
"This is all your fault," Gohan said, his face hardening again with hatred and anger. It didn't last long, though. His face quickly softened again.
"I-I can't," he said, backing up.
"Gohan, please," Goku said, reaching out to his son. Gohan glanced up, shaking his head. His hair and eyes fell back to their normal black colour and he disappeared.

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