Chapter 21

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"Gohan, I didn't think you would make it so soon, son," Goku said, floating slightly behind the teenager.
Gohan grunted at his father, not really paying attention to the man. Gohan turned, his icy gaze resting on the two children.
"Are you two okay?" Gohan asked, his voice soft.
"Y-yeah, we're okay, right Goten?" Trunks said, scared of the look in Gohan's eyes.
"Uh huh," Goten replied, rapidly nodding his head.
Gohan smiled at them, closing his eyes to make the smile less creepy. It caused the two boys to calm down a bit. Gohan turned his attention to Dende, briefly looking the young Namekian over to make sure that he was alright.

"Finally, I was wondering when you would show up," Buu said, laughing hysterically at the end of his sentence.
"Where are the others?" Gohan asked, not taking his eyes off of the pink being for one second.
"I ate them, they were quite delicious," Buu answered while slapping his hand on his stomach. The others tensed, briefly scared at how Gohan might react to the news. Gohan stared blankly at Buu, blinking as he watched Buu's smirk slowly slip from his face. Gohan briefly raised his brow, obviously Buu had expected him to freak and attack blindly.
"Oh," is all Gohan said, his voice portraying his boredom. Buu frowned, not having expected the boy to take the news so lightly.
"Gohan! We need to defeat him!" Goku called, his voice shaking with anger. Gohan's eye twitched at the name. Oh how he hated his name. The name given to him by his mother and father.

"Gohan," Goku said sternly, waiting for the boy to start acting seriously. Another eye twitch. Buu picked up on the boy's annoyance of his own name and smirked.
"Well, Gohan, aren't you going to fight me? Or are you to afraid that you'll lose and disappoint your father? What's the matter, Gohan? Are you scared? Gohan!" Buu taunted, laughing hysterically once again. Gohan sighed, well here goes nothing.  Spreading his legs apart and clenching his fists, he started screaming, raising his power level. The earth below them started shaking, shockwaves coming off of Gohan as the wind whipped harshly at the group surrounding the teenager. His hair spiked up, turning a soft golden color, his eyes an icy blue green.

Piccolo covered his eyes with his arms, protecting himself from the dust and rubble that was flying everywhere because of Gohan's rapid power raising. Piccolo felt Gohan's power pulse through him. He could feel the innocence and purity coming from the boy as well as the anger and sadness that was fuelling this power. Piccolo felt something swell in his chest. He was proud. He was so proud of his friend and former student that he felt as though he could just cry or dance of happiness, but he was Piccolo after all. He kept these feelings to himself for now. The rubble and dust stopped flying as the wind calmed. Gohan had finished raising his power level and was now glaring at his opponent. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he could still feel that sense to make his former mentor and father proud.

Gohan felt his eye twitch, annoyed at that feeling. He doesn't want to be like that anymore. He doesn't want to live his life to please everyone, not anymore. Buu frowned, this boy was a lot stronger than the first time they had fought. But, no matter, he still stood no chance, not against Majin Buu!! Smirking, Buu prepared himself before launching himself at the boy. Gohan smirked, blocking every singly hit Buu could throw at him. The pink man was getting frustrated, angered by the fact that the boy wasn't taking this seriously. He needed to get a way to distract Gohan. But how? Smirking, Buu let the energy wave that Gohan sent hit him, blowing him into pieces. He made sure to let two pieces of his body stay and hide. Once he was reformed, he descended and landed a few feet from his enemies.

Gohan frowned, something didn't feel right.
"So, you're going to let other people fight your battles for you?" Buu asked, completely ignoring Gohan. Trunks and Goten frowned, not knowing what Buu was up to.
"No, your fight is with me now," Gohan said sternly.
"I'll fight you later. I have a score to settle with them," Buu said, pointing at the two boys.
"They have nothing to do with this anymore, I'm your opponent," Gohan said, anger clearly heard in his voice.
"Or are you to scared? You two are nothing but cowards," Buu spoke.
"Oh yeah?! You just watch, mister! Lets do this, Goten?" Trunks said, briefly pointing at Buu before he nodded to Goten. The two boys started their fusion dance.

"No! I said I'd take care of this!" Gohan yelled, though he was completely ignored.
"I said stay out of this!!" Gohan screamed, his voice shaking with anger. He was still ignored. Once the two boys fused, they were already in super saiyan 3 form. Gotenks smirked and rushed forward, ready to beat on Buu. Gohan flew in front of the boy, arm raised as he used a lot of his power to slap the boy. Gotenks let out a shocked noise as he fell over, skidding across the ground before coming to a stop. Falling out of the super saiyan form, Gotenks looked up. Gohan stood before the fallen boy, an angry glare on his face.
"I told you to stay out of this," Gohan spoke, voice cold and void of all emotion. Gotenks shuddered briefly at the glare and cold tone before he jumped up, his power making him ignorant and causing him to make stupid mistakes.

"Oh yeah?! Well I don't care about what you said!! Why don't you stay out of this?! I don't need you anymore!" Gotenks yelled, forming a Ki blast that wasn't to powerful to seriously injure the teenager, but could still do some damage. The words hurt Gohan. They didn't need him anymore? B-but. Gohan's train of thought was stopped when Gotenks hit him in the face with the Ki blast. The blast caused Gohan to become deaf for a moment and all he could see was white. Because of his distraction and the lack of his guard being up, the blast did a lot more damage then it initially should have. Gohan felt a lot of pain, but couldn't point out where the source was. Gohan let out pained noises, clutching at his now bleeding face. He was hurt in every way possible. Piccolo, Goku and Vegeta watched on in shock. Why would Gotenks blast a Ki bal Gohan? The teen was only trying to help. Gotenks rushed forward, a few feet from where Buu was standing, when the fusion wore off.
"Hey what the-?" Trunks began, but cut himself off. The two children jumped back until they were closer to the others.

Gohan felt himself tremble. Where were his senses? Why won't it come back to him. Dende rushed forward, lightly touching Gohan's arm. He started speaking with the teen. Gohan was blinking rapidly, trying to get his vision back. He saw a blurred image before him, a feather like touch on his arm.
"Gohan!!" Goku hurriedly flew over to his eldest son, his expression worried.
"What were you boys thinking?! Why would you attack Gohan like that?!" Piccolo yelled. The two children stood, heads bowed in shame.
"Gohan? Son, can you hear me?" Goku asked, placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. Gohan's sight was slowly returning to him with the help of Dende's healing. He still couldn't hear and his father talking to him sounded like he was listening from underneath a sea of water.

Buu started laughing hysterically again, motioning with his fingers. Gohan's senses were back, though he was still in pain. He made a move to thank Dende for helping him, when he was covered in pink slime. The others cried out in shock, not having expected that. Piccolo found himself covered in the pink goo as well. He struggled, trying to get out, but was quickly devoured by the pink slime. Once Gohan and Piccolo was completely over taken by the slime, Buu motioned with his hand. The slime flew over to him, sticking to him as he began to glow, changing form once again.
"No! Gohan!!" Goku yelled, his voice panicked. They watched in shock as a more human like Buu formed. He wore Piccolo's cape and Gohan's gi top as well as some comfortable pants. Buu started laughing. The destruction of earth shall now begin.

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