Chapter 20

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Goku clenched his fists. It seemed like Gotenks was winning against Buu, however, Goku could see through the act. Buu was planning something, but what? Goku started pacing. How long was Gohan's training going to take? Goku started chewing lightly on his thumb nail, a habit he got when he was impatient.
"This isn't good! The fusion will ware off soon, then they're going to be defenceless!" Goku yelled.
"Please, just calm-" the Supreme Kai was cut off by a voice.
"King Kai? What's going on?" Goku asked, looking up to the sky.
"It's bad, Goku! The fusion is about to ware off and without it, no one is a match for Buu!!" King Kai yelled, panic could clearly be heard in his voice.
"I know!! But what can we do?!" Goku asked, fists and teeth clenched.
"We can't wait for Gohan's training to be done. There might not even be a planet left to save!!" King Kai yelled.

Gohan's eye twitched, annoyed that they were talking about him like he wasn't even there.
"King Yemma asked me to give you a message, Goku. He knows that the planet is in a dire situation and that the entire universe will be destroyed after Buu destroys earth. He has given us a chance to save the world! Now, you have to go back to earth. You were given permission to go back and fight just until Buu is destroyed!" King Kai said, slightly relieved that Goku would be able to fight.
"That's great!! I better get going! Thank you, King Kai!" Goku answered, running to where Gohan was sitting.
"I'll hold off Buu until you get there, okay?" Goku said softly, a small smile on his face.
"Okay," Gohan answered, his arms crossed and eyes closed.

"Wait! Take these," the old Kai interrupted, briefly taking his hands away from where they were facing Gohan, to raise his power, and took off his earings and handing them to Goku. Goku blinked, confused as to why the old Kai would give him these.
"What are these for?" Goku asked.
"When you get to earth, find someone and let them it on their left ear, while one is on your right. It's my kind of fusion," the old Kai explained.
"Really?! Wow!!" Goku exclaimed, already putting one of the earrings on his right ear. Gohan raised a brow, there was something wrong. These types of things don't just happen to them. Something so convenient.
"What's the catch?" Gohan asked, voice emotionless.
"Smart boy," the old Kai smirked, chuckling to himself. Goku looked between the two, confused.
"Once you fuse, the fusion is permanent. Don't turn into super saiyans before you use the earrings, or you will have to stay that way permanently," the old Kai explained.
"What?! Permanent?!" Goku yelled.
"Goku! There isn't any time! You have to go, the fusion just wore off!!" Shin yelled, waving his arm.
"Uh, right. I'll see you soon, Gohan," Goku said while placing his pointer and middle finger to his forehead.
Gohan grunted in answer, resuming his training once Goku left.

Piccolo was about to start panicking when Goku appeared in front of them.
"Goku?!" He yelled out from shock, not having expected the man to be there.
"Daddy!" Goten exclaimed, excited as he practically tackled the man in a hug, happy to see his father again.
"Hey there, son," Goku replied, hugging Goten tightly.
"Not to be rude, but why are you here? HOW are you here?" Piccolo asked.
"King Yemma sent me here because he doesn't want the earth to be destroyed," Goku explained.
"That's cool, now you can beat Buu's butt!" Trunks yelled.
"I can't, I'm not strong enough, we need to hold him off until Gohan gets here," Goku said, a frown on his face as he let go of Goten.
"How is he?" Piccolo asked, voice soft.
"I don't know, Piccolo. He's definitely gotten stronger, but other than that, I really don't know," Goku answered, his voice saddened by the thought of his elder son.

"Anyway, we need to find Vegeta," Goku said, looking around.
"Vegeta? Isn't he dead?" Piccolo asked.
"No, he's somewhere near where the lookout was, we just need to find him," Goku said as he slowly started flying in the direction of where the lookout used to be before it was destroyed. Once there, they all looked around, trying to find the prince before Buu got back.
"Ah, dad!" Trunks yelled when he spotted the prince, flying quickly to where the beaten and broken saiyan lay. Trunks sat on his knees next to his father, calling for Goku, Piccolo and Goten.
"Guys, I found him!! He's over here!!!" Trunks yelled, waving one arm while cupping his free hand near his mouth. They came flying, coming to a sudden stop once they saw the prince.
"Oh, Vegeta," Goku said softly as he bent down, lightly touching the man's forehead with his fingertips.

Vegeta frowned, images running through his head. He could feel someone lightly touching his forehead. Much like he did with Gohan, when they had found the boys body. He had had an overwhelming feeling of guilt and didn't know what to do. He had touched Gohan's cold cheek, just as lightly as this person was touching his forehead. Frowning, Vegeta slowly opened his eyes, blurry images in his sight. Blinking a few times, he could finally make out the image.
"Kakarot?" Vegeta asked softly, his voice straining to speak.
"Vegeta? Are you alright?" Goku asked, gently helping his friend sit up. Vegeta groaned at the strain in his muscles. He had honestly thought that he had died.
"We need to get you healed," Goku spoke softly, glancing around. He could sense Dende.

"I'll be right back," Goku said before he disappeared.
He reappeared in front of Dende, frightening the Namekian.
"Oh, Goku, it's just you," Dende spoke, relief crealy shown in his voice.
"Hey, Dende. Will you come with me? Vegeta needs you to heal him he's pretty beat up," Goku said, a smile on his face.
"Yes, of course," Dende spoke, nodding his head.
Smiling, Goku placed a hand on the small Namekian's shoulder and disappeared, reappearing again by Vegeta. Dende quickly knelt down, noticing jusg how badly Vegeta was injured. He started healing him. Dende sat back once he was finished, smiling slightly at Vegeta before he stood up.

"Where is Buu?" Vegeta asked as he slowly sat up.
"We don't know," Piccolo answered. Vegeta grunted and stood up, stretching his arms and legs, loosening up his stiff and sore muscles.
"Dad, Buu ate mom," Trunks said, voice soft and eyes sad.
Vegeta felt his heart clench slightly at the news, though didn't show any sign of his heartache on the outside. Vegeta made a rash decision and placed his hand on Trunks' head, lightly ruffling the boy's purple hair. Trunks looked up at his father, slightly shocked, before smiling widely at the man. Vegeta gave his own small smile, knowing he had made the little boy feel better. They all sat down on rocks nearby, waiting for Buu to show himself again.

"Did you fix things with Gohan, Kakarot?" Vegeta asked, feeling the need to know whether the boy was alright or not.
"I don't think so, Vegeta. He's still pretty angry with me," Goku answered. Vegeta sighed silently. He knew that after Buu was defeated, Goku had to go back, amd now that Gohan was alive again, Goku was technically leaving the boy behind again. He needs to figure out a way for the two of them to sort out their problems. But how? What can he honestly do? They all sprang to their feet once they could feel Buu again and he was coming straight for them. They tensed once the monstrosity was right in front of them, smirking widely. Gohan arrived on earth with Shin, briefly thanking the man before taking off. He could sense that Buu was there where his friends were.
"Ah! What is that enormous power coming this way?!" Piccolo yelled, frightened by the thought of possibly facing a new enemy.
"It's Gohan!" Goku answered after he had reached out with his senses to make sure. It wasn't long before Gohan could be seen, coming to a stop in between his father and Vegeta. Gohan smirked sadistically at Buu, glad that he could finally take out his anger on something. And that's exactly what he did.

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