Important Note!

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Hello, readers! For those of you who have read this book, thanks a lot! Also, thanks to everyone who commented and voted, I'm truly grateful!

This note is mostly to inform everyone who's interested that I intend to rewrite My Inner Demons as well as Facing My Demons, and I do intend to write a sequel to Facing My Demons, as I have noticed none of the conflict has really been solved.

I have also noticed that a lot of things don't necessarily make sense in these two books, which I really want to fix.

I hope to post the rewritten fics as well as the sequel to Facing My Demons by the end of April, but please don't get too excited, as I will have to reread these fics, and cringe myself half to death on the way, but I am positive, so keep your eyes open for notifications on these books as well as the sequel!

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