Chapter 32: Jealousy Pt. II

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My eyes closed slowly and opened each time something woke me from my sleep. I was drifting in and out of a nap on the tour bus, listening to the sound of Frank gently strumming on an acoustic guitar in the background. The bus was travelling down the road at full speed, with nothing to view out of the window but miles and miles of landscape. We were on our way to the summer Warped Tour. Gerard and I had spent some amazing months together as a married couple. Fucking hell, that still sounds surreal when I think about it. The band had been working on their third album non-stop from the back of the tour bus since we had got back on the road about four weeks ago. They were to play Warped Tour, and then we would go back home so that they could work relentlessly on the album. They had big plans for a huge concept album, which sounded bizarre to me but I knew that it would all come together and be one of the greatest records of the time. We had nearly arrived at our destination, but it was such a warm day that the atmosphere on the bus was a lazy one.

I stretched my legs and then rolled over so that my face was facing out of the window as I lay on my side. I looked at the blurred landscape fly by, thinking about how much I loved this country which I now called my home.

"You're being lazy," whispered a familar voice in my ear. I felt a body curl up beside me and breathed in the comforting scent of Gerard. I yawned loudly, before taking his hand and pulling his arm over my body.

"You're being lazy," I retaliated like a child. "Make me coffee."

"Whatever happened to please?" he joked, rubbing his face into my hair. "Married six months and you've already forgotten your manners? I thought British girls were meant to be polite."

I mumbled something, but I was so tired that I wasn't even sure what words I was trying to form. I tugged on his arm tighter, pulling it around my body further so that he was practically squeezing me to death.

"I'll make you a coffee," he said, kissing the top of my ear before struggling to free himself from my grasp. The warmth of his body disappeared and I had no choice but to sit upright. Stretching my arms, I looked over at Frank. He was strumming on his guitar in the corner, a look of concentration plastered over his face. He'd been pretty down lately about something or other...but he hadn't talked to me about it so I decided to mind my own business and leave him to it. I got up and walked into the tiny tour bus kitchen and took a mug of coffee from Gerard.

"Your face is all red from where you've been lying on it," Gerard smiled, stroking my cheek and looking at me with a look of genuine affection. 

"Your face is all red," I replied with an another shit attempt at a childish comeback.

"I didn't say it like an insult," he laughed, grinning at my attempt to act cute. "You're always so grouchy after a nap." I sipped on my coffee and headed back to my place on the sofa, intending to nap until we finally made it to Warped Tour.

After several hours of napping beside Gerard, we finally arrived at Warped Tour. I decided to stretch my legs and smoke a couple of cigarettes, walking around the other tour buses that were parked up here  to see who we would be neighbouring with on the tour, but I didn't recognise any of the bands. I chatted to several members of bands I had never heard of before for a couple of hours before finally deciding to return to the bus. When I climbed back onto the bus, I noticed that the new make-up artist was here for the band. I had heard they would be getting their own artist due to the amounts of make-up they had been wearing for the Revenge tour, but I'd forgotten about it up until this point.

"Come on, don't let your eye get tweaky!" a slightly shrill voice echoed through the bus. I stared over to see Gerard looking up at a woman who was pretty but intimidating. Her top was so low-cut that I was basically looking at a woman with her boobs in my husbands face.

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