Chapter 35: The Final Chapter

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Sequel is up now, called 'The Fourth Fall' - enjoy!


"Just cut it off, do it now!" 

Gerard scrunched his eyes closed and began to giggle hysterically as I cut his hair shorter than it had ever been before. He had dyed it white blonde, and he looked like...a grown man, different to the messy-haired boy in my class.

"This definitely fits with your new album," I smiled, admiring my good hairdressing work.

Three years had passed since the last Warped Tour, and since then things had gone incredibly. The second My Chem album was huge and after touring continuously, the boys had been working relentlessly on a huge, third concept album. The past three years had been exhausting- constantly living in each others pockets on a tiny tour bus, but we had toured around Europe and the UK which meant I could spend some time with my family before coming back to the states. Gerard and I were happily married, never arguing or having to compromise on anything. Mikey and Alicia had plans to get married and Frank had met a woman in New Jersey who I hadn't yet met, but by the sounds of things she had him completely smitten, which was hopefully going to get rid of his cynical attitude towards relationships.

I brushed away all of Gerard's hair from my jacket and pulled my phone from my pocket, scanning my emails eagerly. I had applied for a job at NYU to teach History- which was probably my dream job as it involved my favourite city and my favourite place, and not to mention my all-time favourite subject. However, I hadn't heard anything and I was starting to lose hope.

"Don't worry about it," came the soft voice of Gerard as he sneaked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. His new hairstyle startled me, as I didn't recognise him and therefore thought a complete stranger was trying to hug me.

"I'm not worried,'" I lied, turning around and kissing him quickly. "I just want a good job. Can't be your roadie forever."

He laughed at my comment but looked slightly disappointed. "I wish you could," he added.


"Gerard!!!!!" I shouted loudly as I sat on the couch. "Gerard I got the job!!!!"

I heard the sound of Gerard's feet as he came running down the stairs and embraced me in a tight hug. 

"Professor Way," he smirked. "What a catchy name, don't you think?"

"I got it," I said, needing to hear myself say it so that I could actually believe it. "Can you believe it?"

"Of course," he said, lifting me up slightly until my feet were off the ground, so that he could spin me around. "Why would they hire anyone else? You're the greatest."

"I can't believe it," I said, throwing my phone onto the couch and squeezing Gerard as he held onto me. "I'm going back to NYU, where it all started."

"Make sure Sophia doesn't show up and try to break us up while you're teaching," Gerard joked. I smiled at his comment, thinking back to our university days and how they were filled with such drama, but how much I craved going back to those times despite all of that.

Four weeks later...

"Hey, you wanna do something later?"

"Sure...I just moved here from Europe, I really need some friends here."

I watched with a smile on my face at two students in my History class as they engaged in a conversation that I found all too familiar. As the guy walked away, the girl grinned before punching the air with her fist as a sign of victory. She was me, five years ago, meeting somebody in a new country at a new school. I wondered whether those two would eventually get married, like Gerard and I.

Boy In My Class [Gerard Way]Where stories live. Discover now