Chap 1: STEPMOMS A...

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My stepmother's name is Julia or my dad's second wife. I called her Julia, not mother, or mum just Julia. She would grit her teeth or remind me kindly to call her Ma. Why should I call her the name that belonged to my actual mother? I didn't hate her I was angry at my father. My Mother died about two years ago and my father moved on in less than six weeks.
They got married 6 months later.

I started focusing on school and slowly started breaking. Twice in the hospital for my severe depression while I went through three weeks of a psychiatric hospital for teenagers my father seemed fine. He never once visited. Neither did Julia. I graduated in May finally I thought I could get away from my father and Julia.

"Blythe, Talk to me," She squeezed my thigh. I scooted away in a jerking motion away still focusing on my novel. I don't like her touching me. I always sat on the other side of my dad in the photos. "Blythe," Her whinny voice called again. "Were about 6 miles away from the gas station if you want to stretch, use the bathroom," I grumble an okay. Still focused on my book. "I know you don't want to be here with me, but can you please make an effort so I can get to know you." I chuckled into my book pulling stands on my hair behind my head.

I know everything about her since I did a background check on her but she only knows so much about me probably what my father has told her. My grades, and awards I've won. The positives, excluding the negatives.

"There's no point in getting to know you. " I start looking up from my book. Bristow, Oklahoma six miles like she said. I turn towards her, "I don't want to get to know you." I watch her jaw tense. Her nails dig into the steering wheel.

Julia had dirty blond hair but a few weeks ago she dyed her hair black I believe to look more like me and my father. Just like my mother. Her eyes are a deep blue but I never looked into her eyes I only saw her eyes when she was in photos. She had thins lips always in a smile. My mother had full lips they were always in a smile against my dads. Why am I comparing this bitch to my mom?

"Your father would like for us-"

"Do you want to know me?" I interrupt her. "Do you Julia actually want to know me and not for my father's entertainment?" I ask. She turns to me before focusing back on the road.

"Of course. I do why would I do this if I didn't want to-"

"So you can fuck my dad whenever you want." I look back down at my book. Not really reading but thinking about the conversation. She didn't care about me. She only cared about my father and his bank accounts. Maybe if my mother was still here I wouldn't feel so alone in the world.

"I'm sorry you feel that way." I can hear the sorrow in her voice which makes me angry.

"Don't be. I don't need another person pitying me." I state. She pulls off the side of the highway to the gas station. Pulling into the spot Julia turned to me.

"I know you don't like me because your father and your mother-" Was she seriously starting this line.

"Don't talk about my mother. No. I do not like you. I don't like one thing about you. That's why I don't want to get to know you. I hate that my father sees something in you. He never looks at me, like he used to when my mom was alive. I will never enjoy your presents or even want to make a single effort to enjoy your presents. So stop trying to put in the effort it will never happen." She sighs stepping out of the car going into the gas station.

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