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He pulled into a park. It was about 11 pm and we still had a long way to Phoenix. He got out and walked around opening my door.

"The restroom." I unbuckle my seat belt and step outside. He slams the door and walks me the restroom. I walk to the door he enters too.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Making sure you don't try anything." I scoff and walk into the third stall. I turn towards him he leans against the wall. I shake my head before doing my business. I use my foot to flush the toilet. I walked to the sink and washed my hands. I look at him through the mirror at him he stares at me. His arms crossed. I focus back at myself pushing my hair behind my ear I turn to him. He nodded me to follow him. The breeze was relaxing. He walked into the male's restroom. It smelt like shit in here.

"Cover your eyes Doll." He told me. I turned away from me.

"Self-conscious." I chuckle staring at the wall.

"I just don't want to get your expectations high for other men." I shake my head. The urinal flushes and he watches his hands. He stands under the hand drier before turn towards me.

"You don't know my sexuality." I walk towards the door. "You don't know me at all," I whisper. I start towards his car. He's a good six feet behind me. I open the door and look for my phone. He admires my ass I grab my phone and sit back in the seat. 20 texts from Julia and 3 from my father. A few from friends but I only pay attention to the ones from my father.

5:38 PM

Blythe baby where are you? Julia says you got a ride from a stranger. I love you just call Julia and work things out with her I'll buy you a new car if you want. Or that ticket to Spain you wanted in the winter.

5:40 PM

Blythe come on baby your mother wouldn't want you out alone with a stranger. Please, you're really scaring me and Julia. I love you again. Call me

8:30 PM

Okay, ill tracking your phone now. I've had it with your shenanigans. Julia will find you soon. If she doesn't in the next 24 hours I'm calling the police and pressing charges on the man you are with. She called me crying saying you were with some guy. You better not be having sex or drinking. Men would kill to have sex with an eighteen-year-old.

"I'm going for a walk," I whisper. Wait he won't let me. He won't let me out of his sight unless it's in Phoenix.

"No. It's time to sleep." I noticed he set the back of his truck up. A tarp is laid out and blankets on top perfect for a good nights rest.

"I just need to calm myself." My hands start to shake. I feel my eyes watering and my vision is blurry. I close my eyes. My breathing is uneven and my legs shake. I feel two hands cup mines.

"Calm down." He whispers. My hearts beating a mile and minute. I nod my head vigorously.

"K-keep t-talking," I whisper to him. My cracking.

"My father used to take me to this lake in my home town. We'd go fishing, swimming or just sit beside the lake and talk skipping rocks. My mother and my father divorced when I was about ten and I moved to New York with my mother. Things didn't work out I always got in trouble going to a Juvenal penitentiary for 2 months. The summer after my died I flew back to the lake. It didn't feel the same. The water didn't ripple the same and I could barely skip a rock. I found out that over the 11 years all the fish had died. And the town was just waiting for the county to give permission to drain it out and do renovations. I was devastated. Until the neighbors said my dad left me something. His blue 1963 Chevy C-10. In the back were our fishing polls. And a journal he left me to read every day."

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